
The text mentions this relationship between thinking and rationality as a method it is likely that is a good thought when the subject has attitudes of care, rigor, and so on. Although it deviates from the formal logic referring to real thinking that occurs in a context that that logic they have no account. The rationale is to lead to an operational harmony between different desires. RATIONALITY, involves a review of the knowledge from the critical analysis, debate, and argument, for Dewey the rationality of reflective thinking is the ability to learn, evolve over time. The rationale for Dewey is the correspondence between ends and means.

Thinking is not a conglomerate of sensory impressions, or making something called conscience, and much less a manifestation of absolute spirit, but a function mediator and instrumentation that had evolved to serve the interests of human survival and well-being. This theory of knowledge highlights the need to check the thought by action if you want this to become knowledge. Thinking is an instrument of man to learn. Dewey comes to applying ultimately rational on a daily basis in the social sphere through the reflective inquiry. Dewey instrumentalized models descriptive and explanatory, because he understands the reflection in a natural process, but above all prescriptive. Emotion is a factor of our cognitive system so that problems such as the marital relationship cannot be reduced to the study logicomatematico or a type of mental representations. In this definition: emotions should be considered as multifactorial complex phenomena which include, among others the following aspects: a cognitive assessment (would this correspondence to description of the situation?) situation appreciation; a very diverse set of physiological changes mainly related with the autonomic nervous system; Is this not comparable with the specification of the situation? a series of flagrant expressions or facial and gestural expressions visible behaviors; a motivational component that is reflected in an intention or tendency to action does and this would not be a description of the resources that can be used or not to achieve a goal?