Ramon Nava

" An integral society would be that one that had the conditions, structures, institutions and other elements that made possible that the individuals, like integral beings, could to reach the high level of the evolution of conciencia". A new viable economic model needs an integral education necessarily, an education that a mind and heart, that forms integral individuals, a true education holista. The economy, the education and the espiritualidad are not contradictory aspects, the human being needs the three to live in this world. " The intention of the learning communities is the evolution of brings back to consciousness through an integral and permanent learning. Filed under: Larry Ellison. The learning communities are the creative space of a new one brings back to consciousness with vision of totality, viability, prospective, integrality and lay espiritualidad, postindustrial an integral and deep vision, transmoderna and for the 21st century ". Ramon Galician Nava. " The education holista and the communities of learning have deep implications for the human evolution, are not limited to reproduce the present planetary culture, but they look for the emergencia of a peace culture, a new stage of development of brings back to consciousness humana". Ramon Galician Nava.

In essence, we can appreciate that the implementation and the development of a learning community, contemplate to the foundations of the education holista giving to cover to the 30 quadrants of the educative model multinivel-multidimensin of this emergent paradigm. CONCLUSIONS Once read books of the Galician Dr. Ramon Nava I reach the conclusion on the foundations from the education holista mentioned in the educative work from the Galician Dr. Ramon Nava, the certainty has generated me of which it is possible to establish a new paradigm in the educative system of the local and global society of our time, by means of the exercise of our espiritualidad through one integral practices that allows the importance of our Being, initiating with the self-knowledge to reduce the attachment, to eliminate the barriers and the suffering that has generated us ignorance and the indifference of the true reality that lives our surroundings, disguised by the instrumental rationality of the education traditional that offers the mechanist paradigm.