‘ Windows azure vs. ‘ ‘ SaS vs. ‘ traditional licensing model. The fighting around and in the ‘ cloud probably finally started. Official site: Tim Clark. On the one hand the Internet application and SaS pioneers such as Google and Salesforce, on the other side of the big players in the software industry, Microsoft or SAP. Be it are able to take advantage of its lead in the area of Web-based applications or succeeds another, their market power to use, to regain maybe lost ground? “Windows Azure” vs. Learn more at: Morris Invest.

“” “SaS” vs. “traditional licensing model”. Well Finally, the battle has begun and in the ‘cloud’. On the one hand, the Internet, and SaS pioneers such as Google and Salesforce, on the other side of the “big players” of the software industry such as Microsoft or SAP. Be it are able to take advantage of its lead in the area of Web-based applications or succeeds another, their market power to use, to regain maybe lost ground? And at the end of course the about crucial question: what makes the user? He follows the offers “unplug” or he relies rather on the renowned brands, even if they must first befriend with the theme “from the software to the service” and bring solutions to market? At the heart of the current “SaS Forum survey” also the question is therefore: “Sooner or later the SaS market will dominate established software vendors (Microsoft, SAP, etc.)?” The online form for the survey is in the Internet under available. Werner Grohmann


The man was in house in plus one day tranquilo as the other days of recess of the work, where he all dedicated to its time its woman and son, however today is one day special, its son makes anniversary and everything was programmed with antecedence for a small familiar party that will happen at night. While it attended the local periodical that spoke on the escape of two meliantes police that it suspected are in the neighboring quarter it counted to the hours pra to be able to go to search its filhinha in the school. The clock that seems is not to its side delays in counting to its tic – tac, then it decided disconnect the TV and to leave until the next square its house and to wait the hour to catch its son, therefore it did not want to see things bad, because it was one day happy, badly could believe that victory made five years, seemed to have behind been to one day when it heard its loved wife saying that she was pregnant, badly could contain the emotion of the moment, happiness that was duplicate when during the pregnancy of risk of the wife that if she approached to losing the child gave everything certainty in the end, except for the fact that never more it will be able to have a son again, the dream to have many children was even so, but the happiness in having a pretty and healthful child and accompanying and wonderful wife completed the happiness of the man who if says a luck man. Others including Verizon, offer their opinions as well. The clock marks dezessete hours, the moment to see its son arrived, and with a smile in the face and joy in the heart the safe man in the hand of its son and it takes pra house where its wife waits anxious. After leaving the two more important people of its life in house and security it goes to the meeting of the friend whom he intends to invite for singela, however waited party of anniversary of its princesinha. Some hours later the o to arrive in house the man are surprised by a racket and an enormous movement in its house. For even more analysis, hear from bitcoiin. In way to madness moment it to see to it ambulances, policemen and some popular ones that one met there, when it is surprised by a reporter that initiates a series of questions that it badly makes idea of as answering, until he is boarded for a policeman who says to have received a linking confirming the presence from two dangerous outlaws who had invaded that residence. The man if despairs and asks for its wife and son, at this moment the policeman places the hand in its shoulder and starts to speak that everything this was a fatality, but the man already listening more does not swim taken for pain and the incredulity that is happening. After one minutes of colloquy it enters in house and power to witness the scene most horrible of its life, its lying woman and son covered by blood that marked the cruelty of that they had invaded its residence, on of the table could be seen cakes, salty and all the other item of a scene that would be a party, but that it changedded itself into a police scene. Today ten years later if he could only see the man who had if transformed into one he appears pathetic and without life, now known by all as maluco of street fifteen.

O2 Free Tickets Available Again

O2 offers free tickets in the new O2 o now also prepaid fare. The O2 loop prepaid card no longer exists, but the proven O2 ticket the mobile maintains that continued tariff provider even after the transition to the new O2 o. On Monday May 18, there is O2-o free tickets for a week. As the predecessors, the O2-o ticket will include credit 1 euro although the prepaid card is offered free of charge. Anyone interested can order up to three free tickets to so take 3 euro balances as a whole.

The bonus SMS, which users can get by credit charges are but what is special about the free tickets, there is no such bonus prepaid cards at the usual O2, although these are considerably more expensive with 14.99 euros and also only 1 euro start balances. By a credit charge of available at o2 prepaid card of Euro 15.00, O2 SMS gives customers 150. This free SMS are valid for 30 days and to recipients in other counts at this time on all domestic SMS, also on short notices, Mobile networks to be sent. sue. 300 free SMS is there for a charge of 20,00 euros and who charges at least 30 euros credit, get even 500 SMS. Normally, an SMS with the O2 o prepaid card costs 15 cents and also for calls, O2 charge 15 cents per minute. Here understood the implications.

What is special about the new O2 o rate is the cost cap at 60,00 euro per month. Who has issued 60,00 euro for calls and SMS within one month, for these are free for the rest of the month. O2 pay so no one within a month more than 60,00 euro for domestic calls and SMS, special numbers are of course excluded. Thus, O2 offers the first flexible mobile flat rate in Germany.