In today's article we will talk about the phenomenon of bilingual, often encountered in multi-ethnic families, namely, a few myths about the language development of bilingual children. Children of multinational families naturally differ from those of children growing up in the standard linguistic environment. Yes, and it does not differ if the pope, for example, a Frenchman and his mother – a Russian, and speak with both of them have? The child adapts to the situation in this or certain extent mastering two languages at once, while his peers – only one. This imposes prints on child development, as a rule, positively impacting on it, although it is not always understand their parents. In many bilingual families, parents prefer that the child has mastered only one language (usually an official language of the country where the family lives).
Second language at the same time or do not develop at all, or remain in a passive reserve, at the level of understanding. These parents fear that a child can get lost in the language, if it is to study them simultaneously in a very early age, and it will negatively affect its development. However, the practical experience of many families that encourage a child's use of both languages, shows that a critical mixing languages is not happening. Of course, sometimes the child borrows the words from one language while speaking to one another. However, it goes on reaching of a certain age – 5 – 6 years, when the entire grammar of both languages can be expanded in the brain of the child "on the shelves." Research also shows that children who "had to" learn to speak two languages, are much more developed cognitive abilities, responsible for the perception of new information, its reproduction and memory. The opposite myth of parents is that you can absolutely not be encouraged and not develop a child's second language, being satisfied by only one, as a second language "learn" by himself.
In fact, the child is interested in the language exactly as large as the language needed to communicate with important people to him. If the father- Frenchman would speak with the child in Russian, French, lost all importance and at best will take a passive ownership, and at worst a child just forget the language. Thus, if the family wants to keep the child active command of two languages, you must continuously maintain the importance of both languages. This will give your child is not only a big advantage in the future before it 'monolingual' peers (in their studies and future career), but develop intellectual abilities, memory, sociability and interest in other cultures. If your child was born in a monolingual family, and you want the school he had already spoken in two languages, develop interest in it yourself! Cartoons and computer games in a foreign language can be a great start, but a joint study of the language to bring you and your child to use in addition to another and the joy of communicating with each other. And now – interesting resource regarding the development of foreign languages: – You want to ever ride in a time machine? Did you know that she had invented (although still in a virtual form)? Come here – look at the history ozhivshuyu U.S. from 1860 to the Present! Language resource and videos – English. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language itself and effectively