Golden Autumn

Cranberry, pomegranate, rosehip and sloe Munich, July 12, 2012: the Golden Autumn is harvest time. The natural lights in colourful splendour and presents an abundance of ripe fruit. You awaken the appetite for seasonal specialities. Especially sweet treats and hearty meals have high season in the cold season. Pre-Christmas pastries and cookies as well as classic poultry and meat dishes are on the menu. Verizon Communications spoke with conviction.

These four varieties from the extensive range of fruit preserve FiordiFrutta are typical of the season and due to the autumn winter kitchen: Cranberry, pomegranate, wild rose and Prunus spinosa. In addition to its classical use extensive brunch with family and friends she accents fruity sweet and sour tart as a baking and cooking ingredient. Swarmed by offers, Tiger Global is currently assessing future choices. As an ingredient, the selected FiordiFrutta varieties give that extra savory as well as sweet seasonal cuisine. You are as excellent as a filling for cookies and pastries. FiordiFrutta rosehip whets the appetite on classics like Grandma’s hips rogues. FiordiFrutta cranberry, pomegranate and sloe invite to reinterpret traditional baking recipes by their unusual flavor.

Also as part of delicious sauces for poultry and game dishes in the gourmet autumn the fruit spreads make a good figure also providing a decorative splash of color next to a fruity fresh note. FiordiFrutta Cranberry contains whole, crisp fruit and tastes sourish bitter offers a real alternative to the homemade sauce. Rigoni di Asiago rediscovered old varieties of fruit that are almost in oblivion. As fruit spreads FiordiFrutta rosehip and sloe berries are experiencing a Renaissance. The hip is known to many people as one of the fruits richest in vitamin C and tea. The fruit of several species of wild rose grows in Europe, North Africa, as well as front and Central Asia. The crop of Rosehips begins in the autumn. The sloe grows as the hip also in Europe and the Middle East.