Philip Kotler

Remembering that the phases of planning of a destination: it analyzes strategical and competitive; taking of decisions; implementation, must be taken in account in the process. A destination will be competitive when it to choose adequately one of the following strategies: exclusiveness; definite focus or simple specialization; multiple specialization; low price; high price; intensive occupation of space; extensive occupation of space; complementaridade; dependence. At Gary Kelly you will find additional information. In the case in study, of the locality of Borborema, we can work with the multiple specialization, where it can be explored diverse segments tourist, having the receiving nucleus diverse tourist vocations. Elapsing from there some types of Tourism as, the cultural tourism, the tourism of events, the tourism of adventure, ecological tourism, agricultural tourism, ecoturismo and the agroturismo. Beyond establishing a strategy for a locality it is necessary also to invest in tourist marketing, therefore this when elaborated well it can influence tourist in the hour to choose the destination to be visited. The marketing is an important tool in the hour of vender a product or service, therefore through it is possible to get a good economic result, when it obtains to take care of to the necessities and desires of the consumers.

According to Philip Kotler, ' ' tourist marketing is a set of activities that facilitate the accomplishment of exchange between the diverse agents who act direct or indirectly in the market of products tursticos' '. To elaborate a good plan of marketing it is necessary that well they are defined the microenvironment (surrounding intern? tangible and intangible resources, infrastructure etc) and the macroenvironment (surrounding external? the elements that intervene with the destination), the white public, the price etc. in such a way are more easy to direct the actions. All the information in the hour of the elaboration if become very important, therefore it is from them that a strategical plan will be organized.