
Belong the different classrooms? Why? The master and the young African villager, taken as example, if distinguish because they occupy different places in the social production, determined for the positions that occupy in relation to the means of production. The young payed a salary to itself because he is private of the means of production. Machine does not have business nor. Only the work force. In turn, being proprietor of the means of production, the master can live to the costs of the other people’s work. This constatao allows in to understand them the classroom concept as great groups of people whom if they differentiate between itself for the place in a system of social production historically determined, for its relation with the means of production, for its paper in the social organization it work and, consequentemente, for the way of attainment and the dimensions of the part of social wealth of that it makes use. These differences allow a classroom (possessing) to live to the costs of the exploration of the other classroom (not possessing). The division of the society in classrooms, however, preceded to the capitalism, occurring in other means of production 6.

The primitive men, living the way of primitive production, despite physically strong, remained themselves impotent ahead of the Nature. Only making use of rocks and woods, they congregated themselves in groups to hunt the wild beasts. The abated canine tooth age equally divided. With the time, they had learned to manufacture more complex instruments of rock, from the use of slex, to dominate the copper castings, bronze and iron. They lived a explicvel social equality for low the productivity of the work and for the great dependence in relation to the nature. With effect, to the measure where if they developed the productive forces and the instruments of work, it increased the social division of the work, matrix of the division of the men in classrooms.