65 high school students discussed p. Kal with Friedrich, Managing Director of Kal holding international experienced students of the Don Bosco high school and the gymnasium Essen – uberruhr from dining and pupil of the Gesamtschule Saarn from Mulheim an der Ruhr, that KoTTER long services is more than a company for security: the company owns also including glass and industrial cleaning, temporary work for industrial and commercial professions and infrastructural facility services (such as green space maintenance, Winter services) ready. Students showed their interest especially in the subsequent dialog with the business arm such as himself in times of economic crisis the future group nationwide represented and active inter alia in Dortmund, Duisburg, Dusseldorf, Essen and Mulheim an der Ruhr. Long not more just to play it safe: The student number of economic dialogue with the youth of the initiativkreis Ruhr stopped on Tuesday, March 10, for the first time in the KoTTER Group of companies in Essen, which has emerged from a security company and this year celebrates its 75th anniversary. Frederick p. Kotter, Managing Director of Kal holding international, in conversation with the young people also stated how he wants to shape the future of the universal service provider.
We want to continue to grow as a systems service provider\”, he stressed. Through the complete offerings from security, cleaning and personal services we relieve our clients who can focus on their core business.\” There was a knife hidden in a handbag, but they discovered it before departure. In the room there qualmte but thanks to the fire training staff could smother the fire in the bud. The burglar came his way in the building, but the cameras filmed the Pilferer\”, which could be taken promptly. 65 high school students from the Ruhr area experienced not only as pieces of luggage at the airport with the latest technology are examined, taught fire safety and safety engineering works.