Amazonian Europe

The concession of the construction of the market foientregue firm M.D. Lobato and Cia, to put after the difficulties financeirasenfrentados for the related company, the concession passed to the Santoro firm dCosta and Cia, that belonged to engineer Filinto Santoro, which foiresponsvel for the imponncia and all the traces architectural of the market. (Current Photo of the fachadado market if Is Brs, in 03/03/2010. Proper authorship) Inaugurated in 21 of May of 19911 suamagnificncia and its traces that enchanted its idealizers, principalmenteFilinto Santoro and the current intendant and controversial Antonio We read. Its estruturaconsiste in three pavilions that compose its joint architectural, and with suaslinhas predominantly, jnicas, Romans dricas, with its roof detijolos forming one abboda, cut in masonry and its decorations feitasem white marble. The workmanships and all its exuberncia had been financed by ' ' boom' ' of the rubber in the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX, into a sistemaarquitetnico that it desired it transforms Belm in an Amazonian Europe. Nosomente in its aesthetic aspect, but with its adequacy to the climate and asnecessidades of privacy domesticates the architecture of the house of ereveladora housing of the events and the culture of that they inhabit. Thus also osprdios religious officers and disclose aspects of the human conglomerate quegerou.

(COMPELOM and SEYNAEVE, 1992, p25) After its inauguration in 1911, mercadode is Brs was overthrown by the municipal and state historic site em02/07/1982, had its importance for the complex architectural of Belm. With its 3300 square meters omercado of are Brs had great difficulty in its maintenance, therefore with osesforos of the civil society the market was remodelled in 1988 and it had its espaosmodificados. With the end of the reform the building passed to acontar with a theater, commercialization spaces and workshops of produtosartesanais and store elem of areas used for the city hall of the city. .