The only thing that the league is in the moral question and of divine protection: ' ' Preamble: We representative them of the Brazilian people, congregated in Constituent National Assembly to institute a Democratic State, destined to assure the social and individual right of action, the freedom (…), promulgate, under the protection of God, the following CONSTITUTION OF the FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF the BRASIL.' ' However, this nothing makes mention to the capital or the way politics of the Nation. The thesis of ' ' Separation of Church and Estado' ' 6, had Maquiavel as its precursor. A doctrine of Lacismo is conferred there 7 that it brought great repercussion in the way as the modern politics mainly in ocidente is situated. To here it is leave clearly that the thesis of Maquiavel continues alive in the current days, some notes that deal with seen subjects of contradictory form between State and Church, in what it says respeitos the ditames established being able for them state, and that first (been) it exerts bigger force of assent: ' ' Now let us see the encyclical letter from the pope of the Pope Pablo VI, Humanae Vitae (HV), published in 1968. In it the Pope writes that all conjugal act must remain open to the transmission of vida' ' (HV 11). Here the Pope teaches that the abortion total and is absolutely excluded as method of control of the natality, as well as also the sterilization and all type of contraceptive and unnatural uses of the conjugal act. (…) Equally she is excluded all action that becomes impossible the procreation wants either before the conjugal act, during the act or in the development of its natural consequences, Pope Pablo VI, (HV 14). ' ' 8 According to ditames of the Church Catholic, the methods of contraceptive is seen as it are of the regiments instituted for the same one, however in nothing it affects the commercialization bids – according to the regiments of the State – of such medicines.