Enguita Work

Enguita (1989) argues that the proper capitalist process favors this domain of the ruling class, therefore establishes he himself who is or not in determined partner-economic position in the society. The same if of when considering the questions related to the work, where if it perceives clearly the difference of the professional qualifications of citizens of the desprivilegiadas layers and that possess opposing situation. Normally, if it comes across with on manual services to the people in situation of social fragility, while the intellectual works are classified as of bigger prestige and are always in the command of the dominant layers. Credit: Bernard Golden -2011. As if it can see, in accordance with Enguita (1989), in this division of the manual and intellectual work the forces if break up and if they specify, where the manual capacities with the work mechanical and unprovided of intelligence and the intellectual capacity with the specialized and complex work become related. Exactly that with the arrival of the industrial revolution the necessity of the work force has diminished, is well-known that had a great advance in the agricultural productions, commercial and industrial. However, it is necessary to consider itself exactly that with the advance of the modern societies, the workers continue being led to the exploration of its man power and few are the actions that lead to a change that benefits, effectively, the worker. It is visualized, then, in the education, the responsibility to provide to know that the conditions take the citizens in which the same ones can have a critical vision the point to perceive its true paper in the society. According to Ferretti (2004), the proper way of capitalist production directed, in the decade of 90, changes in the work that had also taken the education if to worry about the news they demandasem course. Asmudanas in the professional qualification not only demanded laborers prepared technical but also prepared in felt ampler, that is, most educated.