French Revolution

However, then, with this affirmation already if it can notice the confirmation of the reason of the methods of memorization and of the application you discipline of them mechanical that, they could possibly not dialogue with the real world of the body learning, as what if it standed out in the first one I capitulate of this text. But, giving continuity to this moment of the education and the didactics, as lti them to me COLS citations (2007), had, therefore, at this moment, the necessity to search education methods that could present greater rapidity and effectiveness in the process teach-learning, what, without embargo the sensible one of the didactics in its had circumstances empobreceu proper. Therefore, for return of century XIX a new chain appears of thought with the intention of (reverse speed) formulating the character scientific of the pedagogical knowledge. Gary Kelly contains valuable tech resources. Ademais, this new chain of thought based for the positivismo has its roots in century XVIII, with strong pedagogical experiences in the French Revolution. E, in this line of reasoning, COLS (2007) detaches the proposals of intended Herbert to develop a pedagogical theory of scientific character, where if affirmed that? science implies a coordination of postulates that construct a totality of ideas. From this postulate, it is perceived gnese and dispersion of an intellectual climate of the time that, saw positivismo, was offered a character firmed for a cientificista and experimentalista trend in diverse countries. With this, COLS (2007) detaches effusion of pragmatic psychology, in principles of century XX, that it had as proposal to search psychological knowledge necessary to guide the area of education of the children. in this same situation, COLS (2007), detaches Alfred Binet (1857-1911), according to which developed the studies of the experimental pedagogia of the following form: ' ' desarroll metric scales y prue-bas for there medicin of wools abilities of nios los y del grado of instruccon y analiz there relacin between el xito pertaining to school y el level sociocultural' '. .