Interactively Learn English

Wall Street Institute optimized teaching Wall Street Institute, one of the world’s leading provider of English language teaching, has updated its teaching materials, and makes its 160,000 students globally optimized features and tools available. Both the online lessons, by means of which the students independently improve their English language skills, as well as the training books and curricula have been revised. In Germany, the students can use the new materials from May. Even more interactive, we have designed the lessons to meet the latest developments of the English language. The students learn the PC based on entertaining situations and do so more easily in the appropriation of the language”, explains Achim Gniffke, Operations Director Germany Wall Street institutions. Through numerous new storylines and the extension of learning videos, for example through the integration of currently common words and phrases, gives Wall Street institutions the students a still zeitgemasseres English, the is first and foremost in today’s parlance oriented. Overall, the students learn since the update of the teaching materials by means of 21.900 of various dialogues, 13.700 of different digital images, 124 actors and models who accompany the students in the online lessons, and 393 votes by speakers of from different backgrounds. The project was launched 2007 and has so far successfully implemented in the language centers of Argentina, China, Taiwan, and Thailand.

Until end of this year, the updated learning method will be extended to all Center worldwide. Training books and curricula home used within the lessons and study, Wall Street has extended institutes with new lessons and modernized. Exactly also continuing education provider that must make sure how is evolving a language in the course of time, to make their students materials that go with the time. Just so makes learning fun through real life situations the material much better characterizes a “Gniffke explains the background of the optimization measures. The first feedback from the ranks of students are consistently positive. The project was an important and necessary investment for us “so Gniffke next. Our students want to learn English, to professionally or privately to educate themselves, and we can offer them the best means available for it.” For more information about Wall Street Institute see.