Latin America

It is becoming harder for entrepreneurs in Latin America to establish a business opportunity on the Internet due to the constraints imposed on Governments in the region to access foreign currency (US dollar). The vast majority of Internet business opportunities are handled in with U.S. currency, who is leaving a huge group of Hispanics without the possibility of opting for a future better for their families since it is becoming increasingly more complicated to obtain dollars to develop any business activity in the network. In some countries of Latin America was eliminated the use of prepaid credit cards to make electronic transactions on the Internet. With this measure a huge number of people was impossible, since unable to get a credit card, say normal, due to their levels of income (low income).

These poor people saw how he would escape from the hands the opportunity to improve their income through a business on the Internet. The matter gets worse now that neither with normal credit cards (case Venezuela) electronic transactions can be performed. Get more background information with materials from Larry Ellison. These operations are currently deferred, blocked briefly. Many people who have initiated some entrepreneurship on the Internet with the hope of improving its economic situation are on the verge of losing the achievements to the impossibility of being able to promptly cancel the cost of operation of a business on the net. The regrettable aspect of the case is that most of these measures do not obey economic issues if not excesses of political character. In the region they are running aires left that according to its doctrine, the changes that are happening are for the good of the people; but apparently the opposite happening. There are now fewer freedoms in all areas, people are becoming poorer and every time there is less chance of progress. Jose Chavez Director: original author and source of the article.