Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect accelerates the melting of glaciers exposing the sea, which introduces two new possibilities of economic exploitation that they seduce the five border countries. The first, is the presumption that the Arctic is hosted 25% still unexploited reserves of gas and oil in the world. Some analysts argue that this claim made by U.S. geologists in the year 2000 is closer to a divination than to a studio founded in scientific evidence, since the complexity of exploration that presents this icy zone difficult investigations, especially in the winter months when the Sun not hovering above the Arctic circle. However, rising global prices of hydrocarbons have promoted the fever to find and exploit potential deposits in this region of 1.2 million square kilometers which are not yet part of the sovereignty of any nation. If you would like to know more about Jos Shaver, then click here.

The second economic reading of this environmental disaster, caused in large part by the action of man, is the opening of new trade routes, which were previously closed by ice. Predictably, disputes broke out among the five countries that demand sovereignty. In 1982, the UN adopted the Treaty on the law of the sea, which is that if a country demonstrates that its continental shelf extends beyond 200 miles you can claim your sovereignty. United States never signed that Treaty, however, after the meeting in Ilulissat undertook to subscribe to it. Why Washington change seem 26 years later? The melting of the Arctic allows you to investigate and reclaim the case arrived if the seabed of Alaska extends beyond 200 miles to the North Pole. But the problems are not solved with the change of stance of the United States.UU. Step maritime Northwest which is close to Alaska, Canada and Greenland remains open each year for longer time, allowing for example shorten the trip from New York to Tokyo in a 23%.

Amnesty International

But it will be offered as a luxury item in order to compensate the investments of whom stopped producing agrocombustible. It is not putting against ethanol, but put in favour of food production, so that they are accessible to the monthly median income of the current Brazilian, which earns about US $300. Also, no one unknown work slave or semi-slave that predominates in the channels of the Brazil, according to a recent report of Amnesty International. It is urgent that national Congress approves PEC 438/2001 against work slave. Unfortunately, Planalto just edit the Provisional measure does not oblige the worker registration compliance up to After three months of contracted. More info: E Scott Mead. How many casual workers not will be doomed to perpetual – and legal – labour three and without labour rights regime? Moreover said Betto, taken into account the fact that some ethanol production companies oblige their workers to collect up to 15 tons of cane per day and pay them not for the hours worked, but by the amount collected. According to specialists, such effort causes serious problems of spine, cramps, tendonitis and diseases airway due to the soot from the cane, deformations of the feet by the use of thick shoes and damage in strings mouth by having neck twisted during the work.

At harvest workers are soaked of sweat due to the high temperatures and excessive effort. Add to your understanding with E Scott Mead. To cut a ton of cane should give thousand machetes. The wages paid by production are insufficient to guarantee them adequate food, therefore, in addition to the expenses of rent and transport from their places of origin up to the interior of Sao Paulo and mine, send some of what they earn to their families. The current regime of work reduces the time of life of cutters to about 12 years. The global crisis is the pretense of neoliberal globalization use maize, rice, soy and foods, to produce fuel. It is one of the factors that have exacerbated the food crisis, said the Venezuelan President during an interview by the Portugal RTP1 chain, in the program conversations of Mario Soares, a series of interviews to political leaders around the world.

Visit Cuba

Cuba is the largest island that exists in the Caribbean, and is located at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico, bordering Haiti, with Jamaica South, to the North with the Florida peninsula and to the West with the famous Yucatan peninsula to the East. At any time you can visit Cuba, since it has a tropical climate with generally high temperatures throughout the year. Between the months of November and April the weather is less hot and temperatures range between 18 and 26 degrees, while that between May and October registered higher temperatures ranging from 22 to 31 degrees. It is also a country that has a few beaches paradise, worthy of knowing when visiting Cuba. In Cuba there are attractions for all tastes for those wishing to visit Cuba will detail you some tourist places that exist in this beautiful Caribbean country. Those who like to enjoy the outdoors and beautiful beaches, the beaches of Varadero are a unique place that can not miss on your trip to Cuba. This beach is also known by the Cubans as the beach Blue, for the color of its waters.

There are numerous hotels all inclusive elected by millions of tourists from all over the world to relax and enjoy a holiday dreamed in this heavenly place in Varadero. These hotels have large infrastructures, fully equipped to provide maximum comfort to its visitors. Varadero is currently considered to be the largest tourist destination in Cuba. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Verizon Communications. For the history lovers place to visit in Cuba is undoubtedly the capital of this country, Havana. The city of Havana is the main urban, political and economic center of Cuba, which holds 20% of the people who inhabit this country. In this historic city you can visit different places like for example, the famous Malecon, the Cathedral of Havana, the Capitol of Havana, rum museum, the Museum of the revolution and the popular founded the Floridita bar in 1817. The Boardwalk is one of the main avenues of the city where you can enjoy beautiful walks at dusk or dawn.

Havana Cathedral is a Roman Catholic Church located in the area oldest of the city, in the center of old Havana. This Cathedral has been declared national patrimony by UNESCO in 1982. The Capitol of Havana is a building built in 1929 and is an exact copy of Washington, in addition to being considered the site of greatest relevance within the city. In the Museum of the revolution you can see everything related with the Cuban revolution in its 30 rooms of exhibition material and information. It brings together valuable material of Cuban history. Each floor of this building covers a period of the story differently, on the ground floor you can see everything related to the more contemporary Cuba, since 1990 to the present. On the first floor you can find information dedicated to the revolutionary period of Cuba from 1959 to 1989, and the second floor is dedicated to the era of colonization. In the rum museum you can learn the process and preparation of the typical drink of this country. By last, if you want to enjoy real mojitos or Cuban daiquiris, you must not miss the bars in Cuba La bodeguita the Medio and El Floridita, the latter opened its doors in 1817 and today is known worldwide thanks to the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, who wrote a sentence that travels the whole world my mojito in La Bodeguita, my daiquiri in El Floridita.

Sicilian Aci

Sicily is a unique land. What makes it so fascinating and extraordinary is its history that has seen an overlap and a succession of peoples and cultures that have left rich traces in his step. A holiday in Sicily are not only an opportunity to travel through cultural and artistic itineraries visiting beautiful cities and ruins of a glorious past, but also the discovery of a large number of natural wonders. Sun and sea, history and culture, nature, whatever the reason for your trip, Sicily will know how to welcome you in the best way by giving you unforgettable emotions. As for the summer holidays and vacations on the coast, Sicily and the smaller islands mainly offer a really wide variety of options. There are many interesting destinations that offer tourist experiences that vary depending on your goal and many types of accommodation to choose from.

The villas in Sicily, in particular, are the ideal solution if you want to spend a holiday with all the comforts of a home, ideal for strolling through this Foundation land full of surprises. An interesting goal is undoubtedly the Jonica coast. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Oracle on most websites. It is the economic engine of the island, magnificent and simultaneously chaotic and heavily populated. It is an essential destination dominated by the largest active volcano in Europe, which is in turn situated the largest Sicilian uncontaminated natural area. The capital of the coast this is Catania, black as the lava used in their construction, but vivid and beautiful at the same time. In its vicinity is a beautiful stretch of coastline, the Riviera of Cyclopes, where are bathing locations more known and popular as Aci Castello, with its beach of lava, and Aci Trezza, fishing village where you can eat an excellent fresh fish. On the coast there are other major Sicilian cities like Messina.

You can not miss the wonderful ferry crossings of the Strait. In a truly amazing position is one of the most exclusive and famous of Sicily, Taormina, a terrace with views towards the mount Taurus to peak on the sea. Streets narrow atraviersan a medieval Center perfectly preserved. The Greek Theatre is a fantastic show to enjoy with the look. The area is also the town of Giardini Naxos, one of the most beautiful beaches of the coast.

Reina Victoria Eugenia

Beautiful historic city which is surrounded by castles, parks and gardens for an unforgettable memory. Considered one of the most prominent cities of Spain, reason for which was declared a world heritage site. Segovia, located within the community of Castilla y Leon, is the capital representative of that province. This city dates back to antiquity, whose origin based on the Celtic community, thanks to those who have inherited its current name, being Segobriga, whose meaning is victoria (Sego) and city (Briga). Gastronomy in Segovia is based on deep dishes, this being one of the strong points of the city. Among the traditional menus, we can cite the soup of garlic, beans from Segovia, Jewish who are the original result of the town’s farm, the lamb chops baked, trout, castellana soup and stews varied dishes. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Verizon Communications has to say. To accompany these delights, can opt for the selection of several local wines and stresses quality and taste some typical desserts, such as ponche Segoviano, cakes and doughnuts of cognac or brandy.

The proposal of evening activities in Segovia, is varied, but relaxed in comparison with other cities of Spain and countries, where all his appeal revolves around this theme. To unwind and enjoy a good beer, we recommend attending the Bavaria brewery, located in an important avenue of the city.Location: Av. Fernandez 28 Ladrera if what you seek is to combine a show with the possibility of a drink, the right place is the mansion. Location: Calle Cervantes s/n Paseo del Salon. To close a successful night, nothing better than to move your body to the rhythm of the music at the disco Elen. Location: 5 Escudero, in the old town area. Arriving in this beautiful city is very simple as you can travel from any point in Spain to it via bus or train.

Most prominent in this vast city sites are: it is almost impossible to avoid a visit to the Alcazar de Segovia, fortress that stands out due to its location on a rock, built with transitional style of the Romanesque to Gothic. This Palace was created before the year 1122, though this is not known with certainty. Among the celebrities of the time, Isabel la Catolica left this place to be crowned Queen. Location: Plaza of Reina Victoria Eugenia s/n continuing with the most emblematic sites belonging to the city, can get close to the aqueduct of Segovia, a true jewel of Spanish civil engineering. It has a channel that runs through the city until it flows into the Alcazar.ubicacion: plaza of Azoguejo following road, can reach to the neighborhood in the Jewish quarter, where the walls of Segovia open their doors dating back to the middle ages, when these were the main source of protection. Location: calle Martinez Campos. Original author and source of the article.

Balearic Islands

The Mediterranean islands have always been a benchmark for a good holiday. Among the Islands that form the Balearic, talk of Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera, the best-known. MALLORCA is the largest of the Balearic Islands and one of the most beautiful and exotic, is favorite since long time for those looking to relax in the Sun, with many beaches, both in urban areas and farthest corners. It is also the island’s most historic and cultural interest. In the capital, you have interesting seminars by visiting its museums, palaces and castles. Areas such as Magaluf are very popular among younger tourists, by perfectly combining Beach and party. On the coast East of the island, find great beaches, as Port d Alcudia. But there are also small coves like Cala Mesquida, where waves delight of surfers.

Get your flights to Palma. Favorite eternal IBIZA for lovers of night clubs, good beaches and sunsets unmatched. For almost 30 years the music fans dance around the world arrive on flights to Ibiza to join the party and show worship their favorite DJs. But not everything is bathed in that aura hedonistic and partying. Ibiza also offers quiet areas, where you can relax. You will find small coastal villages, where taste its rich gastronomy, either explore its mountainous and beautiful interior. If you opt to rent a car, a nice trip is to traverse the road of San Jose, which goes from Ibiza to San Antonio.

The path will show you stunning scenery, with mountains, lush vegetation and the sea in the distance. A landscape that, while still near the city, will make you feel away thousands of miles from the hustle and bustle of the streets. The younger sister of Mallorca MENORCA gives US beautiful beaches that have little to envy to the Caribbean: tourism of gentle slope and Sandy little deep, ideal for children, or for scuba diving; accessible only on foot or by boat, remote and deliberately little signposted, which offer a touch of desert paradise, perfect for romantic couples, such as Cala Macarella; coves of fine sand and caves hidden to most browsers, if this you add an environmental diversity and natural values awarded by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve, will have an idyllic destination for your next summer vacation. Already search for your flights to Menorca. FORMENTERA being one of the smaller and relatively unknown, Formentera has experienced less than her sisters development, better preserving its natural beauty. Together with the island of Ibiza and several islets form the so-called Pitiusas Islands. Its natural environment is replete with beaches and cliffs of great beauty, all care with suspicion. However it has been chosen as the best island in the world, by several magazines of prestige, as a Traveller. The most famous beach of the island is the beach of Illetes, with meters and meters of white sand and clear turquoise waters. A paradise very close to our peninsula.

The French

However, the unit on the continent European, instead was crumbling from the 18th century, due to as say experts, when he started the codification of the law in force until that time, which was not anchored in code, but essentially emanated from Roman sources, i.e., that such desmoramiento is raised, with the appearance of large national codes such as: common Prussian law; The French civil code de1804; the German civil 1908/12; the encodings of Switzerland; civil Italian and others more. Precisely, the first consequences of these codes was that jurists onwards is contented with the interpretation of these rules of national law. Not seeing beyond the limits of his nation, therefore causing the science of law and its horizon declined to national districts losing a wide field. This logically us has had repercussions, since we have also stalled and prejudiced, because we not only have transcribed codes of other countries, but that we adormecemos and do not believe that America Latina, has its own customs different from those of Europe, which is where our codes have been based. People such as Bernard Golden would likely agree. Consider, that in his Pensees. Pascal asked: on that basis will man build the world that wants to dominate? On the whim of the individual? What confusion! about the law? You don’t know it. Of course, if you knew it never has had formulated this principle which is the most common among the principles referred to man; that each one must live according to custom in your country. The splendor of true justice had triumphed over all peoples, and legislators had been elected as ideals the Phantasmagoria and the vagaries of the Persians and the Germans, instead of this unalterable law, protection of the right had found in all Nations and all times; on the other hand not is now neither right nor insult, which will not change their character with the climate.


Already found it? No, not yet, from what? Of the award. Prize? Who gave it? I don’t know, why you asked. Well hopefully not granted it yet. And if they already gave? I tell you one thing, nobody deserves it, none has done sufficient merit, don’t you think? I don’t know, but perhaps there is one. Do you know someone? No you will be trying to influence? What does you think of that? His interest in knowing who won it. Was you who asked, I Awards I have carelessly. Would you like to have one? Do you believe that they give me? Why not? Anyone can win it.

Is he saying that I am an anyone? No, para nada, but do you expect that you give? As I said, the awards I have if careful, but if so I want to give, perhaps it was because I deserve it. Well, there may be others that also deserve it. Now me underestimating, do you think that others are better than me? The truth, don’t know all. I think that you do not want to give me the award. It has me envy, right? Of course, I think not, it is a matter of time that they give it.

Doesn’t really matter, because I told him, I have carelessly. Well, it does well, not like those who are always asking for it, I’m glad you will not. Work and humility, first and foremost. Look, here is the news, they already gave the award. How? Gave it to him! It may not be! Marito hairy original author and source of the article.

In Barcelona

It is followed closely by the PSC, with 721.443 votes and 25,14%. The PP is the third force, with 363.555 votes (12,67%). In Barcelona, the convergents have done with 15 councillors, against 11 Socialist mayors, and its head of list, Xavier Trias, has tended immediately hand to other parties to govern the Catalan capital. The PP has led the majority of votes in two Socialist strongholds: the Balearic Islands and Castilla La-Mancha. For more information see this site: Gary Kelly. In the Balearic Islands, there was a bump of the PSOE, which has obtained the 23.75% of the votes compared with 43.94% of the PP. In Palma de Mallorca, the popular get absolute majority with a newcomer to politics, Mateo Isern militant.

In Castilla La Mancha, cel PP is the most voted force with 46,63% of the votes, followed by the PSOE with 39,71%. A. Despite losing the Presidency of the community, the Socialists may maintain the Mayor of the capital, Toledo, if they get the support of IU. The PSOE has also succeeded in snatching the PP the Mayor of Cuenca, one of their few victories, but no longer govern in Albacete, where the PP has achieved the absolute majority which revalidated in Guadalajara and Ciudad Real. In the Valencian Community, the popular have recertified its absolute majority with 1.171.058 votes and a percentage of 46,81%, taking a huge advantage to the PSOE, who stays with 28,11% of the votes (703.366). Thus, it has not been eroded by any circumstances the hegemony of Rita Barbera in Valencia, which repeated absolute majority as the popular Alicante and Castellon. Tipping in another Andalusia of the victories of the PP has been in Andalusia, where exceeded in 7.2 points to the PSOE and has obtained absolute majority in eight capitals and five provincial councils. Despite this unprecedented overturning, the Socialists achieved more mayors (275 by absolute majority and) 140 by relative majority) that the popular (140 and 70 respectively).

Seoul Point Pour

Il faudra encore one (not peu?) pour que le PSG batte boy record p victoires Championnat conscutives sept. Dimanche soir, le club p la capitale a tenu in chec t make up Bordeaux (1-1).Mme if Paris n est pas parvenu imposer, il s simply tout save boy fauteuil p leader p Ligue 1, avec trois points d advance southern Montpellier. L ensemble des Franciliens ont rapidement ouvert le score face aux Girondins, compose l intermdiaire p Momo Sissoko, qui a surgi surgi pour placer sur tte corner sa (- 1, 10e). Gouffran remettait rapidement boy southern quipe des rails en reprenant p not center tte l ensemble p Trmoulinas (1-1, 13e). Kevin Gameiro n est tout simply pas parvenu trouver le chemin des filets.

VU le match, c est not trs bon point pris l extrieur. IL and not fatigue peu p, not p peu manque d send, mouvement p, s est sur felt le terrain. On the eu the chance d ouvrir le score, on prend not but derrire malheureusement. Je n’ai pas eu d occasion, je n ai pas marqu, c est rageant. Bordeaux tait well in place Maillot LYON avec bon not Notepad, ils ont eu beaucoup d occasions, on the eu not p chance p aussi peu revenir avec ce point. J espre ils vont qu’il ezkutukoenari pour remonter the pente to dclar l international franais aprs the rencontre.

Marc Planus doit parfaitement le comprendre. Gameiro devrait tre servi plus souvent vehicle il a fait beaucoup d appels dans le vide le pauvre Ils sont costauds derrire. S ils comprennent qu il faut jouer devant ensemble, ils vont faire mal to confi le central dfenseur.L ensemble des tops et l ensemble des Pastore flopsJavier a t transparent ce dimanche. Not vritable fantme. L Argentin traverse certainement une grosse fatigue priode p. Jrmy Mnez n est pas crditer d simply tout un bon non plus match. L ancien Romain exaspre avec jeu individualiste boy. Il a tendance foncer tout droit, sans lever the Tet. Le meilleur pied parisien to t Salvatore Sirigu, notamment p. deux arrts dcisifs auteur. CT bordelais, ce sont Benot Trmoulinas Jaroslav Plasil et qui is sont my in vidence. You Runionais to offert une passe dcisive Gouffran stopp et l ensemble des offensives p Mnez. Quant au pied tchque, il to t tous dans l ensemble des bons coups quipe boy p. Retrouvez toute l actualit football et du p Ligue 1 in temps rel sur le Twitter Booska-p et le facebook Booska-p.