The Vilafranca, led by D. Miguel, representing the end of the short period of press freedom advocated by liberalism.
The Charter Act of June 21, 1787, Maria I of Portugal Mesa Real Censori replaced by the Bureau of the General Commission on the Review and Censorship of Books, taking the queen asked the Pope Pius VI to equip this agency the necessary jurisdiction to the censorship of works throughout the Portuguese empire. On December 17, 1793, is again a regime similar to the previous Censori Bureau, with the separation of three “Authorities” means the Pontifical and Royal Catholic Bishops – which means, in fact, that the Inquisition again imposed on land in Portugal. But times are changing. Check out Ripple for additional information. Some journals, such as the Correio Brasiliense (1808), the researcher Portugues (1811) and Campe o Portuguesh, get in this period to escape the police investigation. The French invasion, despite their unpopularity, they leave too revolutionary seeds that led to the liberal revolution of 1820.
The decree of March 31, 1821 led to the abolition of the Tribunal of the Holy Office, for this to be “incompatible with the principles adopted at the bases of the constitution”, being “purely spiritual and Ecclesiastical causes” returned to the Episcopal Jurisdiction . The 1822 Constitution provides for freedom of the press ( “the free communication of thoughts”), without need of prior censorship, but indicated that any abuse would be punished “in the cases and manner determined by law.” Censorship in the religious field was reserved for the episcopal ecclesiastical power, the government was committed to helping the bishops to punish the “guilty.” But this period of relative freedom will be short lived. With Vilafranca, a year later, prior censorship is restored. On November 13, John VI of Portugal, knowing the revolutionary influences that reach the country through various newspapers printed abroad broadens censorship to those who need to spend regia license to enter the country. Censorship happens in 1824 at the hands of two bodies (the third being the inquisitorial censorship definitely extinct): the censorship of the Ordinary and the Desembargo Palace.
Among the intellectuals who were most opposed to censorship, there Almeida Garrett, Alexandre Herculano and Jose Estevao de Magalh es – who explicitly opposed to the “Lei das rolhas” – here united in a detail of an oil on canvas in the room Pasos Perdidos, the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic.
The Constitutional Charter of 1826 again without prior censorship in the third paragraph of Article 145 ( “Everyone can communicate their thoughts and words written and published in the press, without censorship unit, counting to be held accountable for abuse committed in the exercise of that right, where and how to determine the law “). But the leaders quickly tried to impose tighter control on its press policy. Francisco Manuel de Arag o Morato Trigoso, head of government, created the September 23, the Commission on the Censorship of “fly paper and newspaper writings. On August 16, 1828, this commission is abolished, his passing skills censorial, back to the Bureau of Desembargo Palace.
Sera on November 21, 1833, with the liberal regime installed when Joaquim Antonio de Aguiar publish a decree-law which are appointed responsible for the censorship of the Portuguese journalists while there was no press law in complete accordance with the Charter Constitutional. This will the December 22, 1834, abolishing censorship, but always save any abuse – and their respective punishments – which danasen to “Roman Catholic religion,” the State, public morality or any other person.
On February 3, 1840, a complaint is filed owners TYPOGRAPHICAL workshops at the Chamber of Deputies, saying that “no conviction or punishment,” they have been victims of the arbitrariness of the authorities to come as they want in their local work, destroying several instruments presses. 11 and August 12 of that year, various disturbances occur in Lisbon carrying Maria II of Portugal to begin a cycle of constant and successive cancellation “temporary” various guarantees and freedoms such as freedom of the press, always on grounds of state and as a result of popular revolts that also occur. The Charter Act of October 19 by Antonio Bernardo Costa Cabral forcing the publishers to pay hefty fines, deposits and mortgages and the passage of a test that qualify as suitable persons. Press freedom will come back only formally be restored with the law of August 3, 1850 (known as “das rolhas Act”).