Parent-Child Relationship

If candente in all exists a question the society, this question is of the education of the children, that frequently brings debates in the media and fidgets of all the sides. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sheryl Sandberg has to say. Of the parents who live the anguish not to know as to educate its children and of as to place limits, of the educators who pass most of the time coexisting these children and of the proper adolescents who present an alive conflict between disobeying and transgressing. The initial education if of the one in the family, more also can be carried through in the community, therefore if it very becomes important this interaction between the first educators and the society. An exchange exists that must well be defined to produce effect. Therefore, this article aims at to create reflections that can collaborate with the problems of domestic violence, stimulating a healthful convivncia in the familiar environment. Read more from Tiger Global Management to gain a more clear picture of the situation. For Levisky (1997), the violence of the current world cause a deep pessimism in the human beings and until a certain skepticism ahead of proposals and solutions. For in such a way, she is necessary to point out the importance of the education and the emotions as form to diminish the violence that exists in the current world and not to work it as basic part of the development of the personality of the child.

' ' The educative process is that of the values of the culture where each one lives, and establishes the norms of basic behavior that goes to supply adaptativo process to each one and leads to develop its creativity to transform and to modify what it does not coincide with its desires and that it is possible of modificao' ' (OLIVEIRA, 1984, P. 28). To educate for some, is the process of construction of the real knowledge, by means of the apprehension of the facts and the critical development of the curiosity.