Sustainable Development

According to Leff (2001, P. 222), without a change in the values that guide the society, through the ambient education, it does not have as to reach the objectives of the sustainable development. Thus, the ambient education is considered indispensable instrument in the formatting of a sustainable society (CANEPA, 2004, P. 158). The ambient education is an education process politics that makes possible the acquisition of knowledge and abilities, as well as the formation of attitudes that if they necessarily transform into practical of citizenship that they guarantee a sustainable society (PELICIONI and PHILIPPI JR 2002).

The insertion of the ambient education in the life of the person is initiated in the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities come back toward the conservation of the environment, this public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support; thus, the ambient education will go to transform the lives of the individuals. This postulate is established as a legal basement, in accordance with the national politics of the environment. 3. The challenges of the habits of the sustainable consumption In accordance with final report of the World-wide Commission of the Environment and Development of the ONU, in the decade of 80, (CMMAD, 1987), called ‘ ‘ Our Comum’ Future; ‘ , it elaborated ones of the concepts of sustainable development; the same it must take care of to the necessity of the current generations, without compromising the attendance of the necessities of the future generations. After the conference of United Nations for the Environment and Development (CNUMAD), carried through in 1992, in Rio De Janeiro, that consecrated the conception of sustainable desenolvimento the perspective of the support was introduced in the consumption, deriving from there, the concept of ‘ ‘ consumption sustentvel’ ‘.