Seaweed, Food, Fuel, Air Filter !

Scientists at Plymouth University in the United Kingdom are conducting a study to which they are put to use algae to restore the atmosphere! Algae not only remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but also involved in the synthesis of new bio-fuels that do not compete with other fuels. Algae scientists have long been interested in and seek to investigate their ability to remove large quantities carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, turning it into oxygen. This is precisely the process that originally led to the creation of the Earth's current atmospheric composition and allowed to engender all the living and we know at this time. One phases of this process was the decomposition of algae on the ocean floor, eventually it led to many of today's existing oil storage facilities in the bowels of the earth. Jos Shaver may find it difficult to be quoted properly. 'So we gather the harvest sunlight directly, using algae, then we retrieve its stored energy in the form of oil, and then use to make fuel and other essentials for the production ', said Steve skill of Plymouth Lab. Plymouth scientists are committed to working on the project seaweed, want to prove that this is a viable fuel, and the world should think about safety in this segment. Many companies try to participate in this project, including Sapphire Energy, Origin Oil, BioCentric Energy and PetroAlgae. Japan Airlines already have a test plane which fueled with a combination of bio-fuels (some of them originated from maritime algae) and jet fuel .. The algae provide the added benefit of cultivation, namely the production of food for the population, it certainly does not affect in any way the formation of prices but as an additional option does not restrict anyone. In the growth process has its pluses iron: they grow by 20-30 times faster than most food crops in the world. Not only scientists from Plymouth studying marine algae with the ability to absorb carbon dioxide, burning fossil fuels, the selection, but also a Brazilian company MPX Energia has plans to start using algae to capture emissions from factories in 2011.

Mathematical Analysis

Well aware of mathematics and its ability to study complex ocean processes and phenomena, JM Shokalsky never turned it into an end in itself, which, unfortunately, more and more common in articles of mathematicians, not always Oceanography and knowledgeable do not understand its content and objectives. M. Shokalsky implacable opponent of the work of this kind and always paid attention to the inanity of his students and the practical inapplicability of findings found for the contrived conditions. To assess the reliability of large-scale oceanographic generalizations, such as maps of temperature and salinity at the surface of the oceans, we have made a careful comparison of maps YM Shokalski with the latest edition of Time Marine Atlas maps. The discrepancies were so minor that there was no need to celebrate. In the book, quite objectively specified merits of foreign researchers and capital works on oceanography, published at different times in many countries. But true love and deep patriotism, which describes the achievement of Russian sailors and scientists have great educational value and deserve the highest praise.

It is in this book the reader will find a brief but heartfelt words: "The Russian people should know and remember what made famous by previous generations, and proud of it and in turn allow the right and the descendants of the same attitude and to themselves. " 'Oceanography' M. Shokalski when reprinting is not subject to any changes, but fixes bugs typos and obvious obmolvok. Spelling as possible close to the modern. However, some older figures of speech (so, than, kopm. Etc.) and punctuation, since they could change in many cases lead to a distortion the author's thoughts are reserved. Therefore, the proposed second edition of Labour M. Shokalski identically to the first and a scientific paper that can be referenced as the first edition in 1917