The Development

Everything this, evidences that to construct a mark nowadays, it is not a simple task. The globalizado market dumb constantly and the competition modernizes itself periodically. ' ' The constructor of the mark could be inhibited by pressures and substantial barriers, internal how much in such a way external. To be able to develop strategies of efficient mark, he will be useful to understand these pressures and barreiras' '. Continue to learn more with: Southwest Airlines. (AAKER, 2007) Of detailed form, AAker (2007), signaled the eight obstacles for the development of a mark.

After to analyze the possibilities and the difficulties, must be traced a work line aiming at the visual aspect of the mark, having as focus the values of the proper company (ethical, social, economic, ambient and cultural), whose factors will lead of meeting to the identification of the values searched for the consumers. This occurs in view of that the mark, invariably, is seen as a responsible asset for the relative price to the evaluation of the offered product or the given service. 3. VALUE OF the MARK CONSUMING IT To search the benefits that a mark can provide is what the consumer glimpses in the messages elaborated for the operators of marketing of the detentoras companies of the marks. For this fact, if it makes necessary to understand that the mark is an important tool inside of a company and must be managed of responsible form, in such way to be capable to influence the perception of the physical and functional attributes of service. Its origin and quality must confer to the product a personality and a set of values, meaning a differential of the excessively competing ones in the sales points. ' ' To obtain to construct a strong mark, requires a careful planning and gigantic investment of long stated period. In the essence of one it marks successful, exists an excellent product or service, supported for marketing developed and executed with much criatividade' '.