UFOPA Mercantilism

* Jarsen Luis I castrate Guimares SUMMARY This work approaches the question of the Brazilian delay and the Amazon region in function of the lived historical process. It makes comparisons between Brazil and the United States and of the Amazon region with So Paulo. Associate *Professor of the UFOPA and doutorando for the NAEA? UFPA HISTORICAL DEPENDENCE: OF the MERCANTILISM TO CENTURY XXI One of the forms of if understanding the prosperity of the United States and the delay of Brazil it inhabits exactly in the type of mercantilism followed for its metropolises, that is, the type of settling adopted for its colonizadores, England and Portugal, respectively. Whereas the English mercantilism was commercial the Portuguese mercantilism was bulionista, exploring. England created the necessary conditions for the advance of the productive forces, culminating with the consolidation in the way of capitalist production and the industrial revolution of century XVIII, already Portugal started to walk in slow steps. The Mercantilism was a set of practical ideas and that they had blossomed in the Europe, between 1450 and 1750, with objective of enrichment of the country I accumulate for it of verge, motivated for the desire to increase the power of the state or until point was an effort badly disfarado to promote the interests special of the capitalists.

The search for this objective can be observed in two stages: exploration of precious metals and balance of the surplus trade balance. Initially Portugal searched in Brazil precious metals, however it did not find. In a posterior phase it explored the existing natural resources in Brazil of form to commercialize these resources and the products produced with these resources with Brazil and other colonies and other countries (metropolises). Thus, Portugal developed a commerce of exploration with its colony, either practising the monopsnio, with the purchase of the substances cousins, or the monopoly, with the sales of its products products.