Wolfgang Bergmann

The whole story again, was eventually totally confusing and irritating you Mr Jullian Assange, accused the author of all evil, so misleading, complicated details – a “less severe rape” in two cases. Yes, he now or has he not? The ladies say he didn’t, but the condom had burst in two cases. At least, the exchange of diplomatic, intimate, random, these two ladies – worked so irritating that must be for one or the other. It’s believed that Tomas Philipson sees a great future in this idea. Well, maybe Mr Assange has not noticed the Platzer for the first time in the heat of the moment and with the same brand once again set itself out of unwanted fatherhood or even HIV infection. To explain, until today only these two cases are known. It is also to bear in mind that Mr Assange wanted to produce two children, was behind HIV infection here, the condom, thus intentionally damaged and the ladies behind it came, they met by chance an intimate conversation and now everything as “A less severe rape,” looks.

That’s all very misleading and complicated in the details. The head buzzing me and my tinnitus gets out of control. Maybe – aim is purely and simply just to restrict the freedom of the Internet and thus the freedom of the press with this diffuse sheets. With this result, my head is already clear. Misleading and complicated in the details it is however. A large meeting of mind, reason and intelligence expertise is what needs the current present, humanity and our world and not misleading and complicated details of a possible conspiracy – against the WEB and the freedom of the press. A global solution to all problems should be sought, a new world and world order in democracy and peace for all and above all transparency in all details. A post that should make thoughtful: to download. Wolfgang Bergmann