Josef Ebnother

April 29 June 6, 2012, opening: Sunday, April 29, 2012, 11 am to 5 pm ambiguous character, form strong symbols and energetic colors Josef Ebnother combined to form harmonious compositions of expressive power. The Swiss arranges his abstract forms beyond the classical principles of the modern image design. Josef Ebnothers works are clearly associate any style: the basics of expressionism with his rejection clear geometric shapes and classic composition principles form the basis, reminiscent of abstract expressionism, which developed the painter in an own, lyrical style of the game, are also exploring. In Altstatten on Lake Constance in close proximity and contact with nature alive, he draws perception and strength from his stays in nature, and on travel in southern countries, such as on the new, blue tinted works recognizable. Striving for balance and harmony of subject-specific colors and shapes synonymous with the artist who paints in oil, always at the top.

If you It creates, that a picture in a room again and again employs a viewer, then reaching it. It comes that you can Captivate anyone. I have seen people say that a picture is different depending on the mood. I think that is important.” (Josef Ebnother) “The motto of the title of the exhibition the covered table” is to recognize the table as a tableau, that serves as a starting point for ideas, encounters and experiences and that is to play it for the artist always and to accentuate in the recurring form of the rectangle in his new pictures. Josef Ebnother, born 1937 in Altstatten/Switzerland, today still lives there. Educate yourself with thoughts from Robert Gibbins. From 1959 to 1964 he attended the seminars at the Kunstgewerbeschule St.

Gallen, 1962 to 1969 at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere and in 1964 at the ecole national Superieure of des Beaux Arts, Paris. He is represented by Galerie Depelmann for 25 years. A film portrait of the artist is available on the page. Kathrin Symens