Joo Landmarks

The headquarters of the district were abandoned and the church of the set on fire padroeiro. ' ' Nor the mortal remains of the cemetary had been removed of the place, that now in turn lies buried in fundo' ' the president of Rio De Janeiro would have said then, in 1911, Francisco Botelho, according to notebook ' ' Sunday of the Periodical of the Brasil' ' of 1990. For that they lived there the destruction started well before. Decades before the confirmation of that the city would go to disappear, its inhabitants had been obliged to run away to try to survive, thus, nor the minimum paid indemnity for the company they had received. The district still if it finds under waters, in the called place Bar. As the place was reached by waters before exactly of the destruction of the houses, many, when sighting some parts that are to the sample in the period of dry, finish confusing with Are Joo Landmarks.

The PROGRESS CULMINATING WITH the END OF the CITY Some time after its arrival to the region, at the beginning of the decade of 30, the Light started to plead, next to the federal government, the expansion of the dam. The arguments presented for the Light were: the urgent necessity to extend the water supply for Rio De Janeiro, then Capital Federal, that if it supplied with small sources that already did not take care of to the necessities of the consumption; to extend the capacity of generation of electric energy in the state, basic engine of the industrialization, that already started if to develop the wide steps. This last argument can be considered great the attractive one for then the president of the Getlio, Federative Republic of Brazil Vargas, since one of the developed sectors more in its government she was the industrial. Of this form, for many, this would be the explanation so that Getlio agreed to the destruction of Is Joo Landmarks.

Brazil Moment

Life and Death of the Bandeirante de Alcntara Axe/Silvana Santiago, RIO DE JANEIRO: New Aguilar, 2000 pp. Further details can be found at Southwest Airlines, an internet resource. the 1191) workmanship in question of the emphasis to the daily one, supplied men less in a linked collective environment to the way. Its routine points to the simple bows deeply integrated to the historical process at the moment of the creation of the town, the attachment to the patriarcais values, in the search for the understanding of So Paulo history, integrated to the moment of the Brazilian structural composition. (3) (Laura de Mello and Souza, introductory text of the Book You interpret of Brazil, Vol I? Life and Death of the Bandeirante of Alcntara Axe/Silvana Santiago, RIO DE JANEIRO: New Aguilar, 2000 pp. 1191) linhagistas: the study of the family is mentioned to it, of the elite who supposedly composed the So Paulo town. The uncertainty in the new land, takes the farmers if to protect, as it points analyzed documents, them do not fascinate with the luxury, not even with the richness of the small elite, they want to work the land, nothing of herosmo in way the myths, yes, to work to feed itself and if to protect the agents of the time, such as rains, cold nights etc. The described material value in the workmanship, in confirms the smallness to them of the paulistano simple man.

Very different of the studies, made for linhagistas (4) of the elite. The social estruturao is well distant of the economic formation, when it presents the fragile set of possessed goods for the aristocracy, if it almost does not describe essential utensils to a modest life as you cut, plates, chairs, In agreement etc. the society daily pay-capitalist discloses to its transformations economic the social life goes receiving more apparatuses that go distanciando people of the rustic life.

Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavl

In the four years before it became the capital of an independent principality independent. It all ended with the Mongol-Tatar invasion. In 1238 the city was captured and ravaged by hordes of Batu . How did this happen? Chronicles allowed to recover only the general picture. When it became clear that the Horde attack is inevitable, in Yaroslavl has arrived with his entourage of Vladimir, Grand Duke to the city, along with adhering Yaroslavl entourage to go to the Sit River, where the expected troops and other principalities, and to give the Mongols a final rebuff.

The Battle of the Sit River was lost, killed, and Prince George and the young Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavl. And what was with the city itself? The town was burned. And its residents? In 2004, Arrow on the most ancient territory of Yaroslavl, instead of blown up in 1937 it was decided to build the new Assumption Cathedral. Before the construction of such historic sites need to excavate. Excavations conducted in 2005, and told us about the details of the time. In the basement a small farm buildings have found remains of 97 people – all bearing signs of violent death.

The find, dating back to xiii century, was so important that it was sent to Moscow for further research. This cross-sectional burial, that is, a mass grave, people of different sex and age who went to the other world together – a rarity. They were 22 men, 44 women and 31 children. Why do so few men? They were killed in another place? Or were at that time away from home? If many children, it means that before these events, the city was vibrant and growing.

Amazonian Europe

The concession of the construction of the market foientregue firm M.D. Lobato and Cia, to put after the difficulties financeirasenfrentados for the related company, the concession passed to the Santoro firm dCosta and Cia, that belonged to engineer Filinto Santoro, which foiresponsvel for the imponncia and all the traces architectural of the market. (Current Photo of the fachadado market if Is Brs, in 03/03/2010. Proper authorship) Inaugurated in 21 of May of 19911 suamagnificncia and its traces that enchanted its idealizers, principalmenteFilinto Santoro and the current intendant and controversial Antonio We read. Its estruturaconsiste in three pavilions that compose its joint architectural, and with suaslinhas predominantly, jnicas, Romans dricas, with its roof detijolos forming one abboda, cut in masonry and its decorations feitasem white marble. The workmanships and all its exuberncia had been financed by ' ' boom' ' of the rubber in the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX, into a sistemaarquitetnico that it desired it transforms Belm in an Amazonian Europe. Nosomente in its aesthetic aspect, but with its adequacy to the climate and asnecessidades of privacy domesticates the architecture of the house of ereveladora housing of the events and the culture of that they inhabit. Thus also osprdios religious officers and disclose aspects of the human conglomerate quegerou.

(COMPELOM and SEYNAEVE, 1992, p25) After its inauguration in 1911, mercadode is Brs was overthrown by the municipal and state historic site em02/07/1982, had its importance for the complex architectural of Belm. With its 3300 square meters omercado of are Brs had great difficulty in its maintenance, therefore with osesforos of the civil society the market was remodelled in 1988 and it had its espaosmodificados. With the end of the reform the building passed to acontar with a theater, commercialization spaces and workshops of produtosartesanais and store elem of areas used for the city hall of the city. .

English Communist Party

Pg: 87. ENGLISH MARXIST HISTORIOGRAFIA the English marxist historiografia is formed from a group of young entailed historians to the small English Communist Party. Its objective is to build a proposal theoretician-metodolgica alternative the dominant conception of history. The influence of the Annales School in the definition of these characteristics of the English marxist historiografia is significant. The marxist historiografia English search to construct an analysis of the society as a totality in movement, in which the experience human being not if it would find submitted to any form of determinismo. Pg: 88. SOURCES OF the Studious ENGLISH MARXIST HISTORIOGRAFIA costumam dividiz it in two sources: socioeconmica, would be tied with the structural studies of the development of the capitalism, and the sociocultural one, more would be tied with the studies of the formation and the development of social classrooms. Pg: 89.

The LOW HISTORY OF FOR TOP the English marxist historiografia if opposed the diverse proposals theoretician-metodolgicas that compromised a reading dialectic. They are namely: studies of the structures of the power under the classic model of the elite history; studies of the mentalities; studies of the material culture; studies of the modernization of the modern societies and contemporaries; radical populist studies. Pg: 90-91. INQUIRY OBJECTIVES to Compreender the origins, the development and the expansion of the capitalism; to Interpretar the movements of the society from the analysis of the fight of classrooms; to Conceber a history whose perspective is the history of low stops top; to Contribuir with the construction of the marxist method; to intervene with the culture and the English politics. Pg: 92.

SOVIET MARXIST HISTORIOGRAFIA the Soviet marxist historiografia is not only Soviet. It had historiogrficas sources in other countries where great influence of communist parties in the half intellectuals occurred and where these parties were obedient Moscow. The Soviet marxist historiografia presents some characteristics, amongst them, is distinguished two: history is investigated and analyzed in the pictures of a linear and finalista vision of history; the laborious classrooms give place to the geniuses of the oppressed peoples. Pg: 93-94. PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MARXIST SOURCES HISTORIOGRFICAS Are several the problems that if relate the perspectives of the marxist historiogrficas sources, amongst them are distinguished: global the social relation and regional structure; the relation structure and conjuncture; the relation structure, classroom and personages; the relation base superstructure; the long, average relation between and short duration; the relation classroom, etnia and sort. Pg: 95-99. MARXIST HORIZON HISTORIOGRFICO Theories and said methodologies marxist understand that no reality is steady and perpetual. They understand despite they must be open critical and the autocrtica one and the permanent construction from the philosophical and social base of origin. The historiogrficas sources must meet coherent with these teachings that had folloied the life and workmanship of Marx.

English Minister

In 1911 he became Navy Minister (in the English political vocabulary, this title was – First Sea Lord) and since then actively participates in the international political game … In the first months in office He examined all the mooring in the UK, has learned the names of many officers who took the habit of planting his own dining table seamen of all ranks and titles. Many senior commanders did not like the First Lord Admiralty always comes down to the lower deck, and clearly wants to break down caste barriers of caste. Even before the war with Germany, Churchill took care of that naval aviation is not only performed the tasks of reconnaissance, but the bombardment of the enemy. In 1913, the stocks of one of Britain's shipyards came the world's first aircraft carrier 'Hermes'.

By the summer of 1914 Royal Navy had nearly a hundred planes, avoiding the quality and quantity of aircraft other countries. At a meeting of cabinet ministers, he proposed "to sheathe tractor with steel plates to several people could hide behind cover and cross the no man's band." Having bought his own money about a dozen tractors, Navy ordered the head to sheathe them with steel plates and began to experience this innovation in secrecy in the estate of the Duke of Westminster. So on this armor … Combining with the end 1918 posts of Minister of War and Minister of arms and ammunition, Sir Winston did a lot for the organization of the intervention and assistance to the white armies.

Project Renaissance Galley Fleet

Revitalization project galley fleet (the question of the perspective image of the Russian Army) in recent years, many media are increasingly paying attention to the appearance of the Russian army, to discuss issues reform of the Armed Forces. It's no secret that the progressive part of the Russian officer corps is extremely dissatisfied with the reforms. For the Army purchased an inflatable military equipment, famous designers invent new uniforms for the Department of Defense. Community organizations offer to revive the old regiment of the Russian Guards. In short there is something unbelievable and totally incomprehensible to normal humans. Of course, we could not stay away from this "historical" process. By studying the topic of reforming the armed forces, and they gained a new perspective image, we are seriously thinking of reviving the galley fleet. As know, everything is new – it is well forgotten past, and the revival of galley fleet will bring the country into a difficult period of economic crisis tangible benefits, both in terms of stabilizing the economy and in military use "Newest" technology, which, by the way, not like cheaper and healthier air tanks and planes.

So, consider what benefits it promises us the implementation of this project to life. Firstly, the construction of the galley does not require such huge costs, which are necessary for the construction of modern warships, as the galley can be built right on the beach for quite primitive and cheap stocks, respectively. Quite naturally, the estimates of possible strike out the huge sums required for the maintenance of factory buildings, utilities, electricity, maintenance of equipment in working order and updated machinery.