Black Bridge

As all know, several had been the cases of racism in the soccer where afrodescendentes players and torcedores are called ' ' macacos' '. Oracle pursues this goal as well. It has three basic ways to deal with the situation. The first one, evidently, is the legal one: to process criminally and civilly the aggressors. One is about solution that we will not analyze because it would demand a technician-legal boarding and boat that it does not fit here. Second it is to receive what it was xingamento as a compliment and to adopt it.

third is to bend over it the aggressors was what unhappyly already it became in the Brazilian election, for workmanship of Epitcio Person. As the Brazilian players had been called ' ' macaquitos' ' for the Argentines, Epitcio Person, president of the Republic and honor of the CBD (future CBF) made the following requirement, for occasion of the invocation of the election for the dispute of the South American championship, in 1921: ' ' not gone for the River of the Silver of players who are not rigorously brancos' ' (apud Leonardo Pear tree). In chronicle ' ' Bendito football' ' , of 01.10.1921, the mulato Barreto Rasp, that hated the soccer (to see our article ' ' Against foot-ball' '), it by the way made the following mordacious commentary of this decision: ' ' Its Excellency who is accustomed to decide more difficult questions as they are the color of the pants with that the guests must appear to the palace receptions; the anteriority rules, that agree are observed in the compliments the real and principescas people, did not have doubt in solving the serious question. It was its resolution of that so usual and comprometedora people did not have to appear in them exported groups of players; there it are, it added, it was not needed to know that we had in similar Brazil esterco humano.' ' Another form, as we said, is to transform the xingamento into compliment.

Financial Year

with strong growth from license and productivity increase in Hamburg, March 25, 2010. International business systems (IBS), a leading provider of business software for wholesale and distribution, with the sales of new software licenses 2009 10 million euro in the second half of has * (previous year: 8,47 million euro) achieved, representing a seventeen percent growth. The new license sales by 30 percent to 19.90 million euro are calculated on the total year * (EUR 15.31 million) increased. Total license revenues increased 2009 full-year 14 percent 48,57 million euros (42.76 million). According to the strategic focus on the core business, to expand the future profitability of sales in the second half compared with the same period of last year by 14 percent to EUR 90,62 million (previous year: 104.90 million) has decreased. The financial year 2009 was completed with 185,62 million euros (207,56 million), eleven percent lower sales. The average number of employees has 29 per cent, the number of which in the course of the Year employed consultants to 30 percent reduced what had increased productivity result.

So increased the annual sales per employee by 26 percent, the professional services per consultant by 13 percent. While the income before financial and extraordinary results, taxes and depreciation (EBITDA) fell in the second half of 2009 to EUR 1.74 million (EUR 9.08 million), he was 7.65 million euros (8.27 million euros) in the year as a whole. The cash flow from operating activities was in the fiscal year 2009 at 10.10 million euros (7,86 million), without the impact of restructuring measures amounting to 17,76 million euros (8,88 million) of operating cash flow at 7.65 million located. (* all euro values correspond to an exchange rate of 1 Swedish krona = 0,10204) early 2009 we knew that we were started in a difficult year. We had brought about a reversal, in which a third of the staff has left the company and not just a new strategy, but also a “new management found feeding and all during the worst economic conditions since the great depression”, IBS CEO Mike Shinya explains. Given of several non-operational, non-commercial items as a goodwill impairment, higher depreciation and amortisation and lower capitalization of product development costs all in all with deterioration of operating profit to 10,82 million euros against 2008 earnings has become de facto from year to year improvement.”but operationally seen was the outstanding success in the continuous growth of the new license revenue and 2009, we recorded an overall increase of 30 percent despite the very difficult market conditions. This was a direct result of the concentration on the distribution market. New customer business is grown specially in the field of IBS enterprise, our most important strategic product for this sector, by 49 percent”, Mike Shinya next. We have recorded the greatest overall improvement in the Americas region, although the largest Individual contract was contributed by a European customers.” You can download the detailed year end report 2009 at.

The Time

They were successfully taken this hurdle and the contact has answered positively the contact no harm surely write back again and to say thank you for the positive contact. But be careful: the other should not pressure used feel to respond directly. Otherwise the contact is eventually only a series of aneinanderhangenden polite phrases that have an added value for any more and the communication strategy will be anything but effective. The cultivation of contacts within the business networks of course must be maintained contacts also. This is a balancing act, especially when contacts that you don’t really know in most cases. Since it can be difficult to gauge is whether and if so how often someone, for example, new information is interested in. A contact within a business Networks to frustrate, because it sends him not relevant messages constantly for him, is not the idea and not really of interest. Birthday is certainly simple and legitimate reason to make repeated contact.

Here you can send congratulations and this recall in the memory. Depending on how you stand to the anniversary, you can offer a special offer congratulations. Discounts, free consultation or similar. This examples illustrates also communicate on business can be personal, faster and therefore very effective networks. A birthday message is quickly written and shows that you are attentive but not intrusive.

To send a birthday card or even a bouquet of flowers as a gift and attention could be too much of good thing in many cases, costs beyond and extends the time required. News with discounts, free consultations, other promotions or News can be sent at certain intervals no special occasion at all or selected contacts. At the beginning you should not exaggerate but also to it. Any feedback should be evaluated first and then be decided whether, where and how often more news and offers are sent.

Extra Income to Core Earnings

The second option is perfect for people who want to have extra income to core earnings. Oriflame company in Ukraine provides an opportunity earning money immediately after the registration, by direct sales. Featuring a catalog of your friends, you will be pleasantly surprised at how it works for you location. You do not have to go and offer product, simply show directory, and it does all the work for you. Even after the show catalog to you will start receiving orders. The more you show the catalog, the more orders you will receive. You will be able to make a makeup once 30% profit, performing Orders received by you. Learn product, plus recommendations on using personal experience that you will accumulate more and more over time and this will have a more positive impact on your sales, you can competently advise and help people choose the right makeup.

Plus, with an increase in orders will also increase your discount on products and you'll earn even more. The magnitude of earnings will depend on your activity. And also this kind of earnings through direct sales can be a good source of additional income. The third option is preferred for people who want to earn a lot and achieve success with Oriflame. The most promising and beneficial to earnings – this offer jobs Oriflame and build their team of consultants and direct them as to offer jobs, engaged in the development of its own groups in Ukraine and other countries where there is a Oriflame.

As a result, you will increase your structure, both the number of people and magnitude of earnings, up to 21% of sales throughout your structure, you will receive personally. The more active people in your group, the more likely you will achieve success in Oriflame. The value of what you earn depends on you. You will be able to achieve higher ranks, and it will bring you not only high wages but also very decent gifts, lump-sum payment of large bonuses, free trips abroad from Ukraine at a conference of Oriflame, etc. On this I will detail the consultants who sign up on our team MLM-lider, opening them access to the closed section of our forum, where we teach you and help you build your business correctly, with dignity and earn to achieve success with Oriflame.

Uncertain Prospects Require New Approaches

Future trend – what development awaits us? The Economic Outlook seems to be better now, still not completely refrain from being the long term effects on our economy. This development is accompanied also by changing environmental requirements, where free to Darwin much new is created and supplanted much old. Quality it decides who and what remains, and is equipped for the future. The basic idea of HARRI112 is to provide an extremely effective but low-cost and personalsparendes customer loyalty instrument the car dealerships. To do this, HARRI112 offers an uncomplicated, fast and professional damage and accident hotline 24 hours availability on behalf of their dealership motorists (their car home buyers).

Of course with the aim to retain the customers in the long term by satisfaction at the dealership. The damage vehicle ends up in their workshop, instead of where the insurance would like to have: namely inexpensively in a foreign workshop. HARRI112 works only and exclusively in the name of the principal (the connected car dealership). Litecoin might disagree with that approach. The principal (the dealership) determines the course of action: how big is the radius of the towing? What towing company is charged? When does the assistance process? Is a rental car be available? Where do I put the vehicle in the event of a breakdown or an accident? HARRI112 takes the process logs details, takes care of the claims processing and informs the contracting authority (the dealership) via fax, E-Mail or SMS. This HARRI112 works always insurance independent and neutral.

At this point the attached second part plays”call forwarding HARRI112 a vital role: the Service Center in Hamburg. The communication process with the customer must be dynamic and long-term and it is essential to take care of the customers and to keep them. Cancellation of communication meant a net loss of revenue “.” Seen in this way, the Service Center/Call Center by HARRI112 is the key success factor for the successful activity of the company. About 45 employees provide around the clock 365 days in the year that that your customers are supplied. Whether the customer concern relates to the hours, it becomes a used car, a breakdown or an accident helped the customers as professionally as you would do it during the day. Prerequisite is a so-called institution questionnaire for this bold and logistically clean action, by querying all parameters of the car dealership. So, concrete numbers, tow trucks, as well as a car rental company be stored E.g. in addition to opening hours and contacts. The staff is a key success factor here. HARRI112 emphasizes a lot in the staff recruitment on the selection of employees. So people from car rental, car dealerships, as well as General car-savvy people are selected primarily, then competently and with the necessary tact and finesse your customers to answer any question. Moreover, that all employees at any time on new features or even short-term Changes are informed and regular training to ensure the quality. take place. HARRI112 respects very much on vocational training programs: so HARRI112 educates kfm. dialog marketing four young people since last year in the area, to train them specifically to the own requirements. HARRI112 exclusively for the automotive industry is active, each caller gets the feeling to be managed directly from the dealership or the leasing company. The company is individually aligned and can respond directly to special features and needs of the customers. Feedback, so that we become even better, close contact with the car dealerships is enormously important”Christoph Burgert