
To the time young and influenced by what it judged to be only one craft, it lived tormented for not recognizing itself when it did not have to its redor somebody that of this deserved credit to its clothes. The probability of the story if makes through the attempt to prove to the friends its theory of that the man has the least two souls. The tram if makes about a colloquy between friends on Metaphysical speeches. Defied for the friends to prove its thesis on the nature of the soul human being, Jacobina, capitalist, intelligent and sarcastic man, exemplifica it through an episode of its life, when, by return of its twenty and five years, 2 second lieutenant of the national guard was nominated. man, according to friends, prevented quarrels and, for times, if he explained through paradoxes.

It initiates its version of the facts. The youngster, poor person at the time, were the pride of the family and disaffection of some of the neighborhood for the fact of the titulao; he was for all alcunhado Mr. 2 second lieutenant. Its aunt Marcolina, also proud for the distinction of the nephew invited, it to pass some days in its small farm. The young lived to receive compliments from the inhabitants of the house. Certain day, Mrs. it presenteou with a great old mirror that inherits of the mother. From this point, history if goes deep through the uncommon one.

Soon after the aunt to receive notice from the disease of the son, charged the young man to take care of of the mansion while this travelled. During the night an escape of slaves happened. It was alone. It did not have people to feed its ego, its ' ' situation moral' '. The youngster felt itself insane per the day and he was only calmed with falling of the night, when sleep reigned: it was the moment of living the adventures and glories of its interior soul, the 2 second lieutenant.

The Fact

These environments, although to be destined to the homosexual public deriving of diverse etrias bands, social and etnias classrooms, the access to the place also becomes open other public. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Larry Ellison. The environments considered to the study meet located, in its majority, the south zone of the capital sergipana, where we can detach the quarter Crown of the Way as the place that possesss the biggest environment number destined to the homosexual public. These environments, also distributed in some parts of the city, possess dynamic of functioning of similar form, are opened in nocturnal period, generally from the twenty hours. In these places the entrance is carried through in agreement the programming of the day, where in its majority, a tax for access to the place is charged. Surrounding they are opened, mainly, to the ends of week, being developed in these spaces internal attractions, as shows and performances, with a bigger predominance of electronic music. Music, in these environments, is one of the forms found for the group of lesbian women with diversion intention, descontrao, with a style differentiated of that one had as traditional. This way of alternative life is what we will identify in these spaces of dynamics LGBT. A time that the pretension in identifying a bohemian style of life in a group of women lesbians, if gave for the fact of that, although in recent years to have an increasing study concerning the sexuality, we can cite a lesser visibility, in research terms, when we relate in them to the feminine segment. This occurs because the thematic lesbian nor always had space necessary to define while such, a time that always was eclipsarred by thematic gay, therefore although also to be homosexuals, gays had always had privileged spaces in the study field. This fact occurs because still it has a enraizamento of the prestige of the male in our strict patriarcal culture.

In Brazil

Market is defined as ' ' the place where if they commercialize foodstuffs and others mercadorias' ' fair ' ' public place, not rare discovered where if they display and they vendem mercadorias' '. Both the definitions are of the Aurlio dictionary. According to MOTT (1970) apud FERRETTI (2000): ' ' The term fair in Portugal assigns a great regional commercial meeting usually carried through with great intervals of time, while market assigns to place destined the local supplying carried through more to mide' '. In Brazil, as much small how much the great meetings commercial carried through to the outdoors they are called fair. 4.2.2 Configuration the fairs and markets if configure of diverse form what perhaps it corroborates in the distinction enters these two modalities of the informal commerce. The market in Brazil functions in covered place, daily and is open during all the day. Learn more at this site: Ripple. The traders who work there, generally, only have this activity.

found in the urban nuclei and has as function the supplying of the population. Fairs are carried through in discovered place, frequently next to the place where the market functions and is characterized for a lesser regularity of what the markets, generally occur a time per week. Costumam to offer to greater amount and more variety of products and the salesmen participate in general, of more than a fair. The fairs can still be subdivided in agricultural and urban. According to FERRETTI (2000, p.43): ' ' The agricultural fairs are carried through in small nuclei, in the neighborhoods of the zones of primary production, what it makes with that if finds in them certain number of agricultural inhabitants, of periphery of the city where if it carries through, making the fair, and a percentage of primary producers between the feirantes. The urban ones, carried through in the great cities or same in the capitals of the States, frequently called? free fairs? , they vendem, over all, fruits and vegetables.

Asia Menor

It was one year significant, if it leaned over eagerly on eloquence on the right, but Ovdio soon gave account of that the life in frum was not its preference and that as clearly leaves in its workmanship it disdained it. It was distinguished in the oratria. Its father wanted that it studied rhetoric, to act in the legal area; opposing itself energetically to its poetical vocation, to enter in the politics, therefore, administrative career wanted to destine it. Ovdio was sent, still very young, together with its older brother Rome, where it received performed with care and complete rhetorical formation. But, a trip Greece with its Pompeu friend also poet, led to be enchanted itself over the penetrated mitolgicas associations in the Greek landscape.

After this experience, Ovdio decided to leave the brief administrative career and to dedicate the poetry to it. He started to coexist poets as Proprcio and already the mature Horcio (on Circle Caio Maecenas), did not know Virglio and the Tibulo poet, died little before being presented to it (he dedicated one chose fnebre). The exile caused it one deep disgust (registered in its Tristia), until the end of its life. It was at this time that Ovdio wrote its more famous workmanship: Metamorphoses (Metamorphoses), writing in hexmetro dactlico, metric common to Epic poems of Homero and Virglio. Ovdio influenced with its verses the revitalizao of the buclica and mitolgica poetry of the Renaissance; also authors as Dante, Milton and Shakespeare. In accordance with the Sneca, the old Ovdio tended for the emotional one on the contrary of the argumentativo polar region of the rhetoric. After the death of its brother of 20 years of age, Ovdio abandoned the right career and started to travel for Atenas, Asia Menor and Sicily. It occupied lesser public offices, as tresviri capitalese in decemviri stlitibus indicandis, but it resigned to continue in the poetry probably for return of 29-25 B.C., when it had 18 years.

Clearing House

The latter circumstance through evolution led to the development of standard exchange contracts with delivery goods on time and their treatment as independent objects of exchange trade. The main reason and the need for the development of futures trading is that the latter provides the lifting of those restrictions that have trade directly exchange goods. Ripple: the source for more info. Product itself as a material benefit has restrictions for the development of exchange trade. Get rid of them can be achieved through the organization of trade is not itself a commodity, but only the rights to it, ie, futures contracts. Sale of goods at the exchange gives way to the exchange's turnover of futures contracts, whose connection with the physical market is mostly indirect, since only a few percent of total contract ends a real delivery. Indirect communication is that the owners of the contracts are constantly buying and selling them under the influence of changing market conditions on their commercial or other activities.

Futures trade came in the second half of XIX century. Its origin and development related to the fact that it reduced the risk of adverse price fluctuations in the circulation of capital, reduce size of reserve capital required in the event of adverse market conditions, to accelerate repayment of cash advanced capital, reduce trade credit, reduce distribution costs. Trade in futures exchange compared with the exchange of real goods are distinguished mainly fictitious transactions (only a few percent of transactions completed delivery of the goods, and others – pay the difference in prices); mostly indirect link with physical market through hedging, complete unification of all contracts, except for price and delivery time, anonymity of transactions, since they are not registered between a buyer and seller and between them and Clearing House. Trades on futures exchanges are as a commodity and on the currency, equity indices, interest rates, etc. The volume of transactions on the futures exchange, usually many times larger than the actual trade goods. Essential commodities, transactions with which concluded on futures exchanges, are cereals, oilseeds, oils, petroleum and petroleum products, precious and base metals, cotton, sugar, coffee, cocoa, live cattle..

Income Concentration

The present time is marked by the productive reorganization that precariza the conditions of work for contrareforms that undertake the reduction of the social rights, for one economic policy of high interests that favors the financial capital in detriment of the productive capital. The destructive logic of the capital deepens the income concentration, incites the social inaqualities, agudiza the poverty and the unemployment and precariza the work and life conditions. The social politics if reconfigure with focalizadoras, palliative, compensatory and regressive trends. Ch?rl?? Lee is likely to agree. It was institutionalized precarizao of the professional formation, the sub-valuation of the professors and descompromisso legal of the work relations. The attacks to the rights of the elderly, infancy, the adolescence and youth, the people with deficiency, the workers and workers of the field and the city are frequent, beyond the daily reproduction of the violence against the woman, blacks, aboriginals, lesbians, gays, travestis and transexuais. Reinaldo Mller > ' ' Reizinho' '.

UFOPA Mercantilism

* Jarsen Luis I castrate Guimares SUMMARY This work approaches the question of the Brazilian delay and the Amazon region in function of the lived historical process. It makes comparisons between Brazil and the United States and of the Amazon region with So Paulo. Associate *Professor of the UFOPA and doutorando for the NAEA? UFPA HISTORICAL DEPENDENCE: OF the MERCANTILISM TO CENTURY XXI One of the forms of if understanding the prosperity of the United States and the delay of Brazil it inhabits exactly in the type of mercantilism followed for its metropolises, that is, the type of settling adopted for its colonizadores, England and Portugal, respectively. Whereas the English mercantilism was commercial the Portuguese mercantilism was bulionista, exploring. England created the necessary conditions for the advance of the productive forces, culminating with the consolidation in the way of capitalist production and the industrial revolution of century XVIII, already Portugal started to walk in slow steps. The Mercantilism was a set of practical ideas and that they had blossomed in the Europe, between 1450 and 1750, with objective of enrichment of the country I accumulate for it of verge, motivated for the desire to increase the power of the state or until point was an effort badly disfarado to promote the interests special of the capitalists.

The search for this objective can be observed in two stages: exploration of precious metals and balance of the surplus trade balance. Initially Portugal searched in Brazil precious metals, however it did not find. In a posterior phase it explored the existing natural resources in Brazil of form to commercialize these resources and the products produced with these resources with Brazil and other colonies and other countries (metropolises). Thus, Portugal developed a commerce of exploration with its colony, either practising the monopsnio, with the purchase of the substances cousins, or the monopoly, with the sales of its products products.

Hortshorne Geography

Come to make one it criticizes direct and open all the work of this I finish, arrives woollen Vidal Blache, with its geography human being. The explicit politicalization of its predecessor, its naturalistic character, the fatalista and mechanist condition of the relations between the man and the nature had been the points on which Blache constructed to its proposal with the relation man-nature in the perspective of the landscape There. There Blache was relativista and its approach was more centraliser in relation its predecessor. The followers woollen Blache had looked for to base its theories still more. He had the ones that had taken its proposal as base, others had developed parts you specify of its theory, what he gave to origin you vary it especificidades of geography. With regard to Hortshorne, the author informs to have been the precursor of the racionalista geography, whose proposal defended the idea of that sciences if would define for proper methods and not for singular objectives. For it the geographic study he established connection the elements.

It did not look an object for geography, understanding it as a point of sight. In accordance with the author, geography knows a moment of considerable renewal today and as the main chains of this thought the author places the geographic pragmatismo (quantitative geography) and the geographic criticism. The first one effects one criticizes the insufficience of analyzes traditional. one criticizes academic eminently. It considers the redefinition of the forms to tie the interests of the capitalist. Gary Kelly contains valuable tech resources. Its beddings are indissoluvelmente on to the monopolista capital. To another chain of the movement of renewal of the geography cited for the author it groups the set of proposals that if could call geography criticizes. This chain and what if it can call ethical unit. However its unitary objectives are based through a diversified metodolgico bedding. Its adepts if locate for a change of the social reality, using its knowledge as a weapon of this process.

VCA Technology

In the line of intelligent video surveillance equipment for the brand appeared Smartec network camera dome type STC-IPX2050A family NEYRO, which use algorithms analytics VCA presence of English company VCA Technology. New Models equipped with 1/4-inch CMOS-sensor, 3.6mm lens, support software feature "Day / Night" and provide a translation of an informative video in all light conditions down to 0.1 lux. In addition, each dome camera series can NEYRO send one or two streams of video formats H.264, M-JPEG or MPEG-4 at resolutions up to Full D1 and frame rate to 25 / s, and also provides two-way audio. Because of their small size, support for bidirectional transmission of sound and the presence of intelligent innovation will be an effective tool in the security video complex business centers, hotels and other facilities. Some contend that Southwest Airlines shows great expertise in this. The compact dome housing STC-IPX2050A allows you to install these cameras to ceiling or wall with no additional mounting bracket. The choice of the direction of the camera is provided with a 3-axis swivel mounting bracket chamber module, which allows precise set the scene up. The new dome camera comes with a built-in lens that has a fixed focal length 3.6 mm, which is set by hand on site. Supports three codecs H.264, M-JPEG and MPEG-4 allows the use of new models in the dome network surveillance systems with varying channel capacity and capacity of the final video processing equipment. For example, to optimize network traffic and reduce the amount of video archives while maintaining the quality of the transmitted video from the camera that best fits the codec H.264.

Wall Street

According to the index of Spanish real estate markets (Imie) developed by real estate appraisals (Tinsa), prices of homes reached in August 2005 levels, but the adjustment does not reach the financial sector, beyond their own problems, nor thinks about the housing market and there are other factors which may result in delay in the process of recovery of the market. Not interested in support or to offer or demand in this sector. The sobre-sobreabundancia from the point of view of supply, not makes it possible to almost any project real estate, while the high fragility in the source of income of families (remember that Spain has an unemployment rate that goes to 20% of the economically active population), make the mortgage financing, one decision that risky aggravated by the downtrend in the price of the collateral. It is probably unfair to accuse the Spanish real estate market of all the ills of the economy, but undoubtedly you will there find a good part of the causes of the current situation of the Spanish economy. Ch?rl?? Lee may find this interesting as well. Horacio Pozzo _ are looking to win in bag? It is with fear, you don’t know how to start? Looking for someone that will help open an account to operate on Wall Street? Don’t know the minimum amount to start to operate? Do you want to get your desired financial freedom? The answers to these questions and many more are in the Global value investment report. Global value subscribers are heading toward financial independence. Check by yourself the profits of our recommendations: do you also want to win as subscribers of Global value? Click here and owns you also your financial target. Author original and source of the article..