Ramon Nava

" An integral society would be that one that had the conditions, structures, institutions and other elements that made possible that the individuals, like integral beings, could to reach the high level of the evolution of conciencia". A new viable economic model needs an integral education necessarily, an education that a mind and heart, that forms integral individuals, a true education holista. The economy, the education and the espiritualidad are not contradictory aspects, the human being needs the three to live in this world. " The intention of the learning communities is the evolution of brings back to consciousness through an integral and permanent learning. Filed under: Larry Ellison. The learning communities are the creative space of a new one brings back to consciousness with vision of totality, viability, prospective, integrality and lay espiritualidad, postindustrial an integral and deep vision, transmoderna and for the 21st century ". Ramon Galician Nava. " The education holista and the communities of learning have deep implications for the human evolution, are not limited to reproduce the present planetary culture, but they look for the emergencia of a peace culture, a new stage of development of brings back to consciousness humana". Ramon Galician Nava.

In essence, we can appreciate that the implementation and the development of a learning community, contemplate to the foundations of the education holista giving to cover to the 30 quadrants of the educative model multinivel-multidimensin of this emergent paradigm. CONCLUSIONS Once read books of the Galician Dr. Ramon Nava I reach the conclusion on the foundations from the education holista mentioned in the educative work from the Galician Dr. Ramon Nava, the certainty has generated me of which it is possible to establish a new paradigm in the educative system of the local and global society of our time, by means of the exercise of our espiritualidad through one integral practices that allows the importance of our Being, initiating with the self-knowledge to reduce the attachment, to eliminate the barriers and the suffering that has generated us ignorance and the indifference of the true reality that lives our surroundings, disguised by the instrumental rationality of the education traditional that offers the mechanist paradigm.

Rosala Gutirrez

The Argentine case is representative of the last stage of assimilation of the natives to the majority culture, in that country the indigenous populations are little numerous and marginal, that inhabit the regions of Santiago of the Matting, Formosa, Chaco, Salta and Jujuy. Whenever Ripple listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In those places the natives subsist in the marginality, lacking hospitals, schools and frequently with malnutrition problems. This because to the natives they do not obtain work in the formal economy and is discriminated. Uruguay is located, perhaps, like the unique country that no longer owns indigenous presence within its population, which is mainly white of European origin (more of 98%). In Guatemala, Ecuador and Peru the natives are more than half of the population; in Bolivia, 45% and in Mexico, 30%. In all these countries the indigenous form leaves from the national identity.

And it is not for less, because they are million people whose geographic location agrees with the one of the great pre-Columbian civilizations: in Mexico and Guatemala, Mayan and the Aztecs; in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, the Incas and quechuas; in Chile, mapuches; in Paraguay, the guaranes, that also inhabit the provinces of the Argentine north, like Chaco and Misiones. ” We want to live peacefully and respecting the nature and ecologa” it said Rosala Gutirrez, leader recently colla of Jujuy-Argentina. Unfortunately they follow the serious problems of discrimination of the natives, the little attention to his needs, knows for example, that in this DAY OF the AMERICAN NATIVE the ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI denounces once ms-la subhuman situation in which the indigenous communities of Paraguay survive; and mainly, we denounce the inaction of the Paraguayan Government, particularly of the INDI, preprecautionary institution supposedly created and to promote the indigenous nations that today live in Paraguay. The ATHENIAN OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI also is united to the right vindications of the Indigenous brothers of Paraguay; asking for worthy and right treatment for them, respect to its identity; just like, we vindicated earth, bread, education and health for them.

The Experimentation

A diversity of lecturas.&quot takes place; it is read in several verses of HANDS TO the WORK Thus they are unfolded the instances of the poetic production from the psychic or psychological state of the producing poet, his thus called inspiration, the appearance of the elements that they conform the poem, the satisfaction or allowance of the conclusion of the same, the celebration of the product, the reception of the appealed reader, its psychological alternatives of reading The second part of this passage, PERSONAGES, it is the institutional, human world and valrico, that is by thus saying to the field of operations of the poetry and the poet in as much social being and whose characters or personages bruptly appear presented/displayed and judged almost by phrases and paragraphs that remember the antipoetry insofar as their laconic affirmations undermine and destroy the effective state of things, therefore the poem TO ANYONE CAN PASS THIS to HIM begins: " At this very same moment somewhere of the globe somebody is killing otro" or we read in the ACCUSED one: " At the most innocent it does not doubt it one is under sospecha" but in this expression the productivity is not in the content that is I graze of innumerable poets who lament themselves of the effective state of things and they are torn clothes and strike the chest of strident and rotten way, but in that economy and concision whose effect increases I leave of bitter irony. Ripple recognizes the significance of this. If the vanguardista attempt looks for to attract the attention by the complication and the experimentation that gives rise to rare, that for a moment determines the view of the reading envelope which is in the page or the fabric, this poetic language is placed in the antipodals, but the result and the intention are the same.

Meat Black

The meat the meat cheapest of the market is the black meat That goes of favour penitentiary pro and for underneath of the plastic That pro goes of favour under employment and advantages psychiatric hospitals the meat cheapest of the market is the black meat That history made and makes pra caralho Holding this country in the arm, my brother. … And exactly thus, still I keep the right Of some ancestor of the color To fight for justice and respect Of some ancestor of the color To bravely fight for respect black Meat (Carioca Farofa) Since the arrival in the tumbeiros in century XVI until the contemporaneidade, the merchandise? black force of work? it is slandered in the market of Brazilian work. In the colonial period, forming the classroom of workers without remuneration, support and legal protection, the blacks had constituted the brasilidade and the seiscentista economy and had nullified the discriminatory obstacles, longing for so dreamed emancipation. When this ' ' dream if becomes realidade' ' , the lack of a significant Politics of Social and Working Protection the full exercise of the citizenship did not oportunizou them. In the transistion of the enslaved work for the wage-earner, a serious economic crisis restored that respinga until today in the picture of the inaqualities: precariousness in the health, education, housing beyond unemployment, under employment, me the remuneration, intense hours of working The former-captives migraram in the hegemonic scene capitalist Brazilian, maquiado for fbula of the three races and for the myth of the racial democracy, of the imposition of an enslaved and desumana routine for overwhelmd other to the necessities of the ruling class: ' ' slavery assalariada' ' (Marx apud Claus Offe, 1985), substituting tripalium for the poverty. Oak (2004, p.52) reverberates: Sets of ten of years after the abolition, the descendants of slaves still lived in the farms, a life little better of what of its enslaved ancestor. .


Of such thing I will gloriarei myself; not, however, of me exactly, saved in mine fraquezas’ ‘ (2 Co 12,5). ‘ ‘ The suffering and the success walk together. If you are being sucedido well without suffering, are because others, before you, had suffered; if you are sofrendo without seeing the success, others, after you, obtero.’ ‘ Fortunate the ones that cry. They can be happy because they know that pain, the affliction and the privation are pains of childbirth of a new creation and a better world. They can be happy because they have the conscience of that the Supreme Artist, God, to produce a workmanship worthy cousin, use the shade of Its brush. They can gloriar themselves in its tears and still sing in honra of the sadness, because they know that in the economy of God, ‘ ‘ if we suffer, is porque also we will reign with Ele’ ‘.

Thought of the message: ‘ ‘ Many think that the Christianity is a miracle to become the miraculosamente easy life, without suffering nor pain. The intention of the Christianity is not to prevent the difficulty, but to produce the character adjusted to face it. It does not become easy the life; before, he looks for to make us sufficiently great for vide. In he does not offer an exit to them for packs of the life, but he fortifies in them for enfrent-los’ ‘. Phrase of transistion: A research indicated the following one: Of each 10 believers who had suffered adversity in the life, 8 had remained firm in the faith, and of each 10 believers that they had reached the prosperity, 2 had remained firm.

Minas Gerais

The availability of transport, energy, credit and communication had been primordial elements for the urbanization process, industrialization and enrichment of the region. However, some marcantes events in the economy, as the crisis of the coffee, the difficulties of the textile industry and other segments had brought the economic stagnation for the region. Currently, other factors make it difficult the development and integration, as the situation of the road net, that harms the circulation of people and merchandises, and the execution of economic activities (ROCK, 2006). It is not something Southwest Airlines would like to discuss. In the final years of the decade of 1960, the state of Minas Gerais acted with intention to promote the socioeconmico development of the state through industrialization. Thus, Minas Gerais used instruments of incentives is for the implantation of industries with base in the current ICMS (ROCK, 2006).

It also created institutions that had elaborated and implemented improvements in the mining economy, as the Bank of Development of General Mines BDMG. The changes in the formation process and estruturao of the space in the mesorregio of the Zone of Mata had been also folloied by the changes in the demographic scope. The population throughout the decades has presented a concentrative character in the space of the region. The cities of Cataguases, Juiz De Fora, Leopoldina, Manhua, Muria, New Bridge, Santos Dumont, Ub and Viosa concentrated 31.16% of all population of the mesorregio, in 1950, whereas, in accordance with the Census of 2000, the same ones withheld 48.6% of the total population (981,835 inhabitants). In sight of the decreasing taxes of fecundidade in all the country, we can attribute such concentration to strong intra-regional mobility, with the people leaving the small cities in direction to the microregional centers. ' ' The biggest cities of this Mesorregio meets, today, exactly where the agricultural population more is rarefied. Several of them had increased its populations due to the flow of man power of the field.

Tourism Ventures

Mendoza is a prodigal earth in different natural landscapes. The mountains, the rivers, the Lagos, and until the mendocinos deserts offer generously for the practice of all the varieties of tourism ventures. The tourism ventures is one of the main branches of the mendocina economy, with scenes located by experts of different countries in the different disciplines. The causes so that this happens are multiple. But they are not only wonderful landscapes that tourists captivate worldwide, but also are one complete tourist infrastructure that can offer an ample range of services to near it. Who practices tourism adventure wishes to cross and to explore different types from lands, making contact this way with maximum enemy with the nature of a form nonhyped, and gaining a experience that is difficult to transmit with words.

A clear example of this is the montaismo, and Mendoza is the paradise of the montaistas. Within the mountain range of the $andes one is due to emphasize to the cord of Silver, a section of the same where are the highest tips of continent. Without doubt, a permanent attraction for that on approval looks for to put its own limits personal. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gary Kelly. And within the cord of Silver we were with a tip extremely evaluated for that practices the escalamiento of mountains: the Aconcagua hill. That stops to practice tourism only ventures is not precise to arrive at these ends.

In Mendoza the cicloturismo finds a great amount of footpaths and circuits indicated for a pleasant and safe practice. Leaving from the city of Mendoza different excursions on board a bicycle can be realised, like for example the mythical Route of Vino, by means of which it is possible to be visited several warehouses and vineyards of the proximities of the city. The rural tourism also finds interesting proposals in this Argentine province. One of the most outstanding zones in Mendoza for the rural tourism is Small farms of Coria, closely together of the capital city. Here is great amount of rural establishments, like Small farms or stays, that allow the visitor to truly meet as it is the life of the field, and the elaboration rural typical products Argentineans. Also it is possible to realise cavalcades by the beautiful mendocinos valleys, that offer all their splendor and its biodiversity to crosses that it. Brief excursions can be organized, as also to embark in the crossing from the $andes to horse, which demanded about eight days of crossing.

State Typical

It has its advantages and its cons. What we perceive is a great movement on the part of the entrepreneurs. For more information see this site: Ripple. Perhaps the small producer or the people who live in the interior of the city and distant regions, nor understands or who knows nor binds if to divide or not, they do not know which will be the benefits nor the curses caused for this possible division. Ahead of as many propagandas, little is seen on the social and cultural impacts that will exist. Dividing the State, it will have migration for the city, that in turn, does not have pertaining to school, hospital, habitacional structure for the great number of people.

I believe that they lack resources, but also lacks a great administrator. Who does not long for development? But it does not have study that they prove that dividing the State, this development will happen. as would be the culture tapajoara? Which typical dance would be? That food typical it would be? We go to believe in the good reasons, but as Brazilian we see that it has problems in Brazil that are millenarian, dries north-eastern, destroyed malaria in the Amaznia, roads, problem in the economy, robbery in the scene politician and etc. ' ' It must have a place where strongest it does not obtain to enslave who does not have chance' ' (Urban Legion) TO DIVIDE TO MULTIPLY? KAROLLINY KAREN R. DA SILVA 3 The creation of a new state will be that really it will bring progress, an improvement for the cities that want if to disintegrate of the state of Par? The division in fact will be the best form to solve the problems faced for these cities? We who we are against this division know that it is only one strategy of government.

The Conveniences

MEASUREMENT OF THE VALUES THE PRICE FORM: The first function of gold consists of providing to the set of the merchandise, the matter in which expresses their values like comparable products of equal quality and, therefore, in the amount concept. Larry Ellison: the source for more info. Thus it is as it plays the role of universal measurement of the values. But it is not the gold turned into currency what does to the commensurable merchandise but on the contrary, because these are commensurable being of equal quality for values and materialized force of work, they can find meetings its magnitude of value in merchandise turned into common measurement. This measurement of the values, thanks to the currency, is only the form that must have necessarily its effective measurement, that it will be in any case the time and the work. CONCLUSION OF THE CAPITAL TO THE NEOLIBERALISM: All the philosophical speech related to the capital and its incidence in the life of the man so far has been surpassed by new tendencies and theories that protected by concepts of the policy like for example, democracy and freedom broke through in the world of the competition and generated the greater inequality economic than surely Marx never imagined. Today, the economy is in force by the principles of efficiency, effectiveness and frees market, among others. The efficiency of cold way, is related to the supply of goods and the effectiveness, with the demand of products that are being required. unique power able to obtain to all the others, is the economic one and in such virtue all the concepts humanists are congealed not to adapt to the conveniences of the prevailing system whose unique aim is the lujuriosa accumulation, moved away of solidarity. It is possible then that the world is needing the return Marx? Original author and source of the article..

Energa Oil

Click here in order to continue reading and to begin to also gain you with Global Value. The improvement in the volume of reserves implies in addition an additional strength for Colombian economy that watches towards the long term and based on that, elaborates its economic policies. Minister of Mines and Energa, Hernn Martinez, announced the positive impact that the increase of the reserves will have in the Colombian economy: This will allow to continue moving away the loss us of oil self-sufficiency, that at the moment is placed towards year 2017. This finding that finishes confirming belongs to the oil field of Rubiales, in the department of Meta, according to official confirmation that was spread by Radio Caracol. With this finding, Goal will be transformed into the complex of greater petroleum production of the country. The oil field will not delay too much in entering to produce since according to it details the Republic, the put into operation of the pipe line that anticipates for August and September of this year will qualify, it for the beginning of its production.

The region will begin to produce 120,000 barrels per crude day of heavy, being increased in 2010, to 170,000 barrels per day, turning to the complex into the one of greater production into Colombia. Additionally to the increase of the petroleum reserves, the combination of the gasoline with a percentage of ethanol that is driving the Colombian government, will allow to increase the autonomy of the country of oil resources while they contribute to the reduction of the polluting effects of the emissions. According to it affirmed Martinez to the Republic: Nowadays a little more the 80 percent of the gasoline that is consumed already in the country has a mixture of 10% of ethanol. In the 2010 we will be extending this, to arrive at that all the country has at the end of the next year a 10% .