A Fictional Character Briefly Introduced

Like the fictional “Ambassador Andre Hartmann” was born for the first time the character of Ambassador Andre Hartmann came in 2008, through a fantasy of mine, in the world. Source: Verizon Communications. This figure should not occur as conventional and sometimes boring politicians – on the contrary, it should stand out from the crowd. I wanted to depict logically, this figure thinking people as one, can detect inconsistencies and is characterized by a curiosity that could – get him to moments in brenzliche situations, if not in life danger. Born in East Germany, he knows the Socialist regime. He has never made his military service in the NVA nor in the Bundeswehr. So he not at all knows the feeling of being a soldier. Check with Gary Kelly to learn more. Andre Hartmann is married with his wife Renate, has two children, Sophie and Lucas, and resides in Washington, D.C., in a German residential development.

In the first novel “the secret of the OSIRIS” (Nov. 2009) Hartmann is a much bereister man with a diplomatic knowledge, that he always needs for his work and also uses already. Energy and power gives him the harmony in the family and a good cooperation within with his embassy staff. In this novel “the secret of the OSIRIS” Hartmann meets for the first time on the terrorist. He learns that not everything that means America must be weighed in gold, that of trust to the lack of confidence of slow and fast tactics, from the obvious to the mysterious, often is a narrow ridge.

“The storm of the Orient” (July 2010) was the second political adventure. From my point of view there are many situations that I had in America play can leave – but then the series, already in this second part, would fall into monotony. The story would be too predictable, become looking ahead, that the tension in advance had taken the reader.