The Theater of the nonsense is a form of modern theater that it uses, for the creation of the plot, the personages and the dialogue, elements of the illogical one, with the objective to directly reproduce the madness and the lack of solutions where the man and the society are immersed. The personages are imprisoned in situations without solution, forced to execute meaningless repetitive actions and. The Theater of the Nonsense foca mainly the human behavior, deflagrando the relation of the people and its acts non sense. He is accurately with these characteristics is if the Sailor of Fernando presents the text Person, at least thirty and five years before the essence biggest of this aesthetic modern of the dramaturgia occidental person to come to the scene.
The symbology that involves the dramatical environment in Person has beginning with numerical choices for the text. They are three women. Supposedly three sisters (therefore they treat themselves as such). Number three has a great one symbolic importance of union and balance, appearing in santssima trindade, being able constituted them and as key of democracia.TERCEIRA (for SECOND)? My sister, in them you must not have counted this history. Now I find odd myself alive with more horror. You counted and I in such a way lingered myself that he separately heard the direction of your words and its sound. seemed me that you, and your voice, and the direction of what you said was three different beings, as three creatures who speak and walk. (PERSON apud MOISS, 1998, p.80) In the numerologia, Three are the result of the meeting of the two previous polarities, the masculine and the feminine one.