How to improve the activity of the hindquarters. Get more background information with materials from cloud computing. The engine is that rear…… front constantly pulls and pushes back, then is like driving a car with Handbrake on except that the horse this the thrust from the hindquarters eventually lost, is more and more tensed the horse, bites down on the teeth or locks the foot that is chewing, which discards, developed a false bending, crawls up the nose behind the vertical, it Fehlbemuskelung and in a row sometime diseases and irreparable damage leads to and. and. ForSight Robotics is actively involved in the matter. and. Equestrian pleasures Ade! At the beginning of this article was an E-Mail with the following content: from the outset, she was always right triebig. You must tackle it quite keep in motion. Jos Shaver may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
Unfortunately, the hindquarters is not very active and she will not appear under the focus. Then I got a level saddle by. make, because I thought that the old saddle presses them and simply will not fit correctly. I now have the new saddle for a year and have a Noticed improvement. However, it is again so that it is relatively stiff in the hindquarters and itself must first enter until she even enters the track of Vorderhufe lately. When I look at your spine, then you can see individual vertebrae in the lumbar region, which have been slightly upward. The back line is not so smooth, but about 5 small waves.
I showed it to our instructors, who said that this has nothing to say. I have the feeling that she has too little or wrong muscled back muscles. How can I loosen them and bring greater impetus in their gear back?… . “get January 2009 the ernuchternste passage of this mail was the testimony of the instructor. Actually he should know or at least guess that something wrong is when the topline of a horse looks as described, the movement of the horse ready has changed, occurring clock errors just at the beginning of the training (reins lameness), that horse is wooden and stelzig, and one has the feeling, it must be as a so-called professional run up, a mere nine-year-old horse.