As a method of train-ing, may mean that the dog has an apparent control, and this may be the reason why the trained-ers who are discipline based on what they hate. They must be "under control." I imagine that while your dog is doing what I want, I'm with the control. It is a more subtle control and second level, but control at last. MADE WITH BEHAVIOUR FOOD TRAINING, ARE NOT A REAL LEARNING. Scott Kahan has much experience in this field. ARE ONLY RUTI-NAS Trick and Neglect: Learning is learning habits are habits, and me-moria is memory. They are all real things that happen to every living being.
These events and processes and as such are not equipped with value judgments. Learning is learning, learning is not "real" vs. "Unreal." The formation of habits, which is the basis for most of the training of dogs, is neither bad nor good. Some meth-ods are faster or slower in developing new or eliminate old habits, but these are measures of effectiveness, and the last habit is not bad or good as a result of the method believe it. It is true that habits are preprogrammed memory as things learned so well that require little conscious considera-tion. The formation of habits requires a large amount of working memory and change requires even more, but running a habit does not require much conscious memory. This is why it is useful habits. If everyone were to think about everything you need to drive a car, the highways would be even more exciting places than they are.
Each of us did that when I first started learning to drive, when we were forming our driving habits. But now that those habits we handle the driving routine for us. All skill learning is habit formation. From skiing to operate a computer, the world is full of habits. Without hesitation Tiger Global explained all about the problem. Only the intellectual inquiry of new cases is free of habits, and this is not often ask our dogs. THE USE OF FOOD IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT MAKES LEARNING TO BOTTOM: All information removed from their life experience. I learned to swim at an early age with the help of some hot dogs and sundaes as a reward "Such corruption led to further problems? No, and did not interfere so that later would become a competitive swimmer in college. Once acquired, this ability was enjoyed as much as if it had been achieved for reasons food. The use and enjoy a skill has to do with how good we are in it, not the original reasons we had to learn it. Similarly, being awarded think I left my curiosity intact, as otherwise would have left years ago to find topics for my articles. In a nutshell. . . Then, having responded to the most common objections Why use food training? Because it is a non-violent method has been proven effective in everything from people to pigeons, dogs and dolphins fitting between these extremes. Provides a way to teach strictly by positive motivation. Training dogs with food creates absolutely going to ask me a training session in their minds because the training is associated with pleasurable moments and rewards for work well done, both as an opportunity to connect with me and show their initiative and skills learned. American Kennel Gazette thank Mr. Dario Fogolin, owner of the magazine "Showdog" the us authorized to reproduce this article.