Consultation Public I Am Underestimated

I am 38 years old and from makes 12 share life with my current partner. I love her very much, but I feel that sometimes underestimated me. In conversations with friends she loves to talk, but when I do it always there is something in it that I am wrong and have to point out, as if what I say is not interesting enough. Other issues also it shows maternalista. What can I do to change this dynamic? Esteban Zurich Switzerland dear Stephen: We believe that it would be very convenient that you hablases with your partner, telling him, without accusing him, how you really feel. However, it seems that your most important task is related to yourself. Many times project in others our perception of ourselves – especially when we find things that displease us – and we have just angry with them because we believe they are those who condemn us. It seems to us that you have for front work of self-examination to discover in what facets you don’t feel as with yourself then take care of developing them.

It is possible that one of aspects you have to work to be mature. In addition to their own issues, you can your partner show maternalista with you because, maybe, a little child place you occupy in your relationship. Surely, if you change your role and your attitude towards it, all the dynamics of partner is amended. The team of y ublicas – 1/consultas-enero/original author and source of the article