December Bernardes

to succeed when me will continue to lead in the due mount of money what it lacks of the great expenditures that we are making, so that later it does not come if to give scandal. Abraos of the Arthur Bernardes.’ ‘ The starting point. The year was 1921, and Brazil was the eves of plus an election, the candidates was Arthur Bernardes, of the occasion, and Nile Peanha, of the opposition, this supported I exercise by it, that was one more time, disliked of the government. The misunderstanding between it I exercise and the dominant oligarchies, if it gave due the nomination of the civilian Pandi Calgeras for the ministry of the war, for then president Epitcio Person, what it provoked great dissatisfaction to the military. The situation was still worse when in day 9 of October of 1921 the periodical ‘ ‘ The post office of manh’ ‘ it divulges the first one of the two letters supposedly written by then the candidate the presidency Arthur Bernardes, the second letter was published soon in the following day, what it caused indignation still more. Bernardes made question to deny the authorship of the letters. In fact in 27 of December of the same year, connoisseurs had certified that the letters were false. Although all the controversy that the false letters had caused, Arthur Bernardes was elect in March of 1922, with 1,5 million votes, against only 700 of Nile Peanha.

In May of 1929, two falsifiers had confessed to have forged the letters. The fact, is that these letters, had been only estopins of the great revolt that if would follow in the next days in the country, therefore later of the occurred facts Hermes of the Fonseca he was imprisoned, and the closed military club, seventy and two hours later were declared the tenentista, that originated the fatdico episode of the eighteen of the fort. A little on the involved ones. The post office of the morning. The post office of the morning, was born in Rio De Janeiro, 1901 for the hands of Edmundo and Pablo Bittencourt, was famous for being always the pair, of the governments, and to make opposition the almost all the presidents of Brazil, for this reason were pursued and closed diverse times, its finishes edition was published in 1972. It always counted on the participation of great names of our literature, as for example, Barreto Rasp, and Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

Arthur Bernardes (1875? 1955). It was born in Viosa, Minas Gerais, and if it formed in right in the university of So Paulo, started its life publishes as Municipal speaker of the house occupied diverse public offices until arriving the presidency of the republic in 1922. Hermes of Fonseca (1853? 1923). Been born in the Rio Grande Do Sul, nephew of the first president of the republic, Deodoro Marshal of the Fonseca, it studied in the military school, he was one of the founders of the republican club of the military circuit, occupied some public offices and military throughout the life, she was elect president in 1910, it died in Petrpolis, Rio De Janeiro, in 1923. Sources: Barsa encyclopedia 1973 – book three p 114. Book: History of Brazil (Leaf of So Paulo).