The same time where the candidacy of Silvio Fleet gained force, ran rumors in Brasilia of that president Geisel would receive an ultimatum in day 14 to adhere to this candidacy, in view of the o support politician who was being intensely worked for them parliamentarians supported who it. The Silvio minister Fleet still counted on a report of the Center of Information of the Army (Ciex) denouncing the presence of 97 subversive people considered in positions reliable of the federal public administration, who it intended then to divulge as a test and to prove its point of view on the perigos of the distenso that was already in course. Then because of this insubordination its authority of president of the Republic and ownership of these information, it finally decided to fire the minister from the Army without fear and no delay. The meeting of the two would occur in day 12 of October, occasion where the main military heads of the country also had been called to the capital the Republic and received in the airport for officers from most entire confidence of Geisel. With this the president obtained to frustrate of this form any attempt of Silvio Fleet to congregate the High Command to resist the resignation.
After some hours of great tension resulted of the resignation of the minister of the Silvio army Fleet, the military situation if defined in favor of president Geisel, who nominated for the ministry general Fernando Bethlem, commander of III the Army and considered even so also it was considered also integrant of ‘ ‘ line dura’ ‘. In the same day, the Military Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic divulged information of that the new minister was the strongest candidate to the presidential succession. VI? The negotiation with sectors of the organized civil society as the CNBB, the OAB the ABI and syndical entities of used and employers, beyond the MDB However, feeling firmness in continuing with its project of slow and gradual opening of the Military Regimen for the Democratic system in sharp speech for the main leaderships of the Enclosure for bullfighting in the day 1 of December of 1977, and reaffirming the continuity of its project politician admitted in the chance the substitution of the bonanza mechanisms of the Institucional Act n 5? known for AI-5 for ‘ ‘ you safeguard constitucionais’ ‘ capable to guarantee the security of the State..