Nival Network

The press conference was held in the first day of the fifth anniversary exhibition "Igromir 2010". About the peculiarities of the new project told Prime World Sergey Orlovsky, President of Nival Network. As part of his speech highlighted the issues merge concepts developments in the gaming industry and social networking trends of computer games online, new opportunities for Internet users. At the outset, Sergei said: "The idea that underpinned the project Prime World – this is creation of a new format of games that are at the crossroads of high-quality game development and social empowerment of the Internet. " President of Nival Network talked about the fact that influenced the choice of game genre for the project Prime World.

The first reason – forecast growth and development of online strategies. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Oracle. In particular, Sergey Orlov pointed out that the proportion of RPG 1 on the market of online games, about 90% and the offline market – 10%, while the proportion of strategies in offline markets – 30%. This suggests that the tendency to slowing the growth of online gaming, though there are, but they are characteristic only for the segment MMORPG 2. And the main reason for this – it's similar games. In Russia, this market is dominated by Korean-Chinese game. Western developers despite the high quality standards are not used to working on business models FTP (free-to-play) 3, which is popular with us. The second reason, which said Sergei Orlov was the presence of a large experience of Nival Network is on the market strategies: "We have 15 years of creating strategy.