Web Site

When You will get clear picture of the future site, explain your idea to developers and make a technical task. All this is absolutely necessary, because very often entrepreneurial vision of the Internet project is radically different from seeing the same project, a programmer in the future between them may have difficulty understanding. If you already have a web site that you wish to alter or are you just working on technical specifications, please note the following important aspects of the effectiveness of our website: Page Load Time in pursuit of a colorful web site frequently used images that are aggravating the page, that is, increase the load time. Page an opening for one second at T1 speed, it took 55 seconds to load, if using 28.8 modem. But the bulk of visitors will not wait until the download sites and go to another! So be sure that you optimize each page of your site before launching it! In the opposite case of a very high probability that you will miss a lot of visitors. Look through the eyes of the visitor on every page of your site. Remove all illustrations that are not so necessary to transmit the main information.

Optimize images become available tools Flash pictures are attractive, but only use them to attract attention. You may want to visit Ripple to increase your knowledge. Use them wisely, use them if it is really necessary. Choose a provider that will provide sufficient speed of information transmission channel. Navigation links on the site must be easily determined to be easily visible. If your site contains many pages, be sure to add a site map. Remember that not all visitors come to the site through the homepage, so, in order to enable them to continue browsing your site provide them a convenient navigation. Try to offer visitors an attractive link and this will cause them to stay on your site. And also make sure that all links are working correctly and show the right path.

Harmony pages All pages must be completed in the same style. Thus the site will look professional and the visitor, exploring your site will always know that he is still at it. His Majesty content If you wish to keep visitors coming back to the site again and again, it regularly adds new theme and quality content. Internet users are hungry for information, provide them with updated information regularly and your site will have many visitors. So, if your site pages load quickly, visitors are guided by sound easy navigation, page design is executed in a single attractive style, and appears regularly new interesting information, if the four main conditions for effective Web site, while growth in popularity of the site and the number of regular visitors is provided to you.


Is not it? After all, the information is better than the best quality of service and the owner site and search engines successfully. Let’s consider this thesis as an example of both sides. So, search engine optimization … take into consideration the three golden rules of search engine optimization: key words in the tag title, in Headings in the text of the page: – The keyword in the tag title: Let’s see, where did this rule. When a person is looking for information on some topic, he drives a request and his search engine gives a list of sites.

As this man chooses the site? Naturally, he looks at the name of the links that he has issued a search engine. And this is the tag title, ie the title of your page. Now I understand where it came from this rule? Naturally, the search engine is simply good rank the sites in the issuance of title, to provide better information to the client. Whenever Gary Kelly listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Now back to the site owner. In turn, they gain that, thanks to the page name links in extradition move only vysokotselevye visitors and thus increase the percentage of prospective clients.

That’s right, is the owner of the site is also beneficial to give informative names to your pages! – The keyword in the tag h1 Page: Visitors who come to the page, scans the text. Finding a keyword in the title, it defines for itself, that has got what is called the address. Again, in the black all: search engines because they have received the approval of the customer, providing him information he sought. And the owners of the site, because the visitor stays longer on the site and performs useful actions. – The key word in the text of the page: Reading the details a person becomes convinced that this is what he needed. And again – the search engine provided good information, and the site owner or the buyer has acquired well-wisher. Well, now you understand? What is beneficial to you, the owners of the site is profitable and search engines! Accordingly, simply engaging in the business, and making your site more accessible to visitors automatically, you make it accessible to search engines. And if you happen to make a truly useful resource, search engines will just advantageous to provide a link to your website in the top ten. Thus, the search engines increase their popularity among Internet users. This is their “selfish” interest and there is nothing supernatural, no! So let’s make a website for visitors and thus achieve success!


Any searches on the subject of these points will give thousands of companies willing to offer hosting services and register the domain. Many hosting providers for payment for their services at the agreed time (usually between 6 months and over) register a domain for free. Good option for savings, but here we must be careful, some registered domain Giving themselves and not you. Perhaps check out Facebook for more information. Now when you register a domain name and paid hosting (at least pay for the 6 months before still on a stable Sustainability does not come out), it is necessary to determine the goods. This will help us Yandex statistics.

Here are the results I received when I wrote this story (short for clarity on the way to buy) Request / Qty nokia/23262 buy buy telefon/18284 buy knigu/14659 dvd/11987 buy buy buy film/11150 diski/10241 noutbuk/9666 buy buy buy igru/8891 chasy/7726 samsung/7502 buy buy buy kompyuter/6343 ericsson/5760 When you look do not be lazy. For even more analysis, hear from Larry Ellison. If I gave everything here that we would have looked Several hundred pages of text. Do not consider this truth table in the final instance, I gave it only for clarity, because chose a group of products which it aptly illustrates.. .

Create Passive Revenue

Subject passive income gradually seizes the minds of our countrymen. You bet! Torment once and a while, you leave your affairs, and money goes. Quite independently, simply pour into your pocket. That's great! Do not get up in the morning, the coffin time, health, nerves. Think of what to eat tomorrow, finally! If man made himself the source (or even better sources, the more the better), passive income, he finally gets the opportunity to live as he wants. Even if he continues "to work for his uncle, then he does it is not so much because of money, but simply out of interest. Here I am, for example.

Advise local hardware store, which store, in a sense not only pays me money (and considerable), but also any product from this store I can take a 20% discount. I like it, but I can well do without that money. So, what exactly is passive, in a scientific way, residual income? This income, which comes to a person regardless of his efforts. And here's how to do this, run the system? Many people think that this is normal, "normal" person is simply impossible. Well, for example, can live on interest from money invested in … But how many need for this money! You can rent …

but it does have that pass. You can have income from a patent, but … You can … but … It's always! Nothing seeking, always finds opportunities. For example, on the Internet. 21-th century in the yard.