Essential Oils In Perfumery

The essential oils in perfumes perfume or in a different perfume – it's alcohol or spirtovodnye solutions of mixtures of odoriferous substances and extracts with a pleasant smell. The word perfume comes from the Latin word for Perfume, which means to smoke, vaporize, smoke. This is because the perfume is mainly used for flavoring, residential and public buildings by burning aromatic herb and resin in the special cups for hot coals. Official site: Cyrus zocdoc. The main group of raw materials used in perfumes are fragrances, these are the substances that have a pleasant smell, capable of transmitting it to other substances, if they mix. One of the most famous scented substances are essential oils. Essential oils are aromatic liquid that looks similar to vegetable fatty oils, but their chemical nature, not having anything to do with them, because essential oils are a mixture of different chemical substances belonging to different classes of organic compounds (hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, phenols, etc.).

The aroma of essential oils is due to oxygen compounds (alcohols, ketones, esters, etc.). Each essential oil has many components, among which one or more appear in large numbers, they are considered the main, cause the direction of smell and the value of essential oils. Essential oils are volatile, in the presence of vapors of sweet-smelling essential oil is the cause of a human sensation of smell. In water, essential oils are not soluble, it is used in technique to separate them distilling with steam, but they are readily soluble in organic solvents and in animal and vegetable fats. In most cases the oil is extracted from freshly collected plant parts, but sometimes pre-dried raw materials.

The quality of essential oils depends not only on the method of production, but also the conditions of their storage and transportation. Light, air and moisture are negatively on the quality of essential oils: they are rapidly oxidized osmolyayutsya, accompanied by changes in odor. To date, open a sufficiently large number of essential oils, but at the same time an even larger portion was not received. But do not worry, because with the development of society, science and technology not only improves product perfumes, but also committed a number of discoveries of new species. Who knows, maybe in the deep ocean water, grows in deep water plant having the perfect flavor and amazing olfactory qualities!

New Year

But the flavor is pleasant, unobtrusive "grass in pure form", "something very familiar about recalls extract some, perhaps, "" not clear what, but pleasant associations. " So how to apply the mask, pre-hooked her fingers, like not all, there was advice: "to draw better with a spoon" and "Keep away from the side of the bathroom." Try: "the application is simple and pleasant, even hands like a soft and greasy." Next best: "Good glides through your hair, does not stick." In general, the distribution problems did not exist. Despite the large package spend large portions mask does not make sense, only a small amount for full coverage of all hair and scalp. And the skin, as you understand, it is worth attention. The consistency of the mask allows you to do this without Labor and deformation of hair, that their loss is very important. This piece is a "moment absorbed into the skin. Roots, we give a very good, natural food.

" "Mask is washed off quickly, which I did not expect. Usually, all remedies washed off a long and tedious, they want to tank water, "and the mask and the" effect of the film leaves no oily. " Rate: "How wonderful mask really stopped falling in los, already has taken a global scale (Just made the chemistry) "! And it is not uncommon, almost all participants felt in varying degrees of strengthening the roots: "A little fall out – now ceased." "Hair is quickly respond to it after suffering stress. AND almost immediately gained a healthy look, "they now" look rested and "fed." It got ridiculous, "Friends suggested that I dyed her hair a lighter color, so they have turned out smooth and iridescent." We state: silky, shiny hair and a slight scratch. Those 5 – 7 minutes, which laid hold of the mask, not all arranged, "I would like to hurry," but because it is not always adhered to the time, but the result is still good. It is our conclusion means simply captivated our hearts – and beautiful hair no longer falls out.

But pleasantly, shaking somewhere its shining hair, be sure that no one with her hair will not fall down for nothing. Bravo! And more! "Design for 5!" "Kill a cure for hair loss," "When you stress the hair – it's what we need," "Surprised packaging. Manufacturers, of course, have tried. But the main thing – the hair does not fall. " That's all that our mask "Golden Silk" is written in this magazine. But the story did not end it. New Year's Eve in the company door knocked Santa Claus delivered the diploma! Awards are important for us, we are proud of them. But much more important to us Your love, dear customers. Thanks to all who are with us.