Peru Law

If a secretary should earn 2,000 soles per month, for them, business owners offer the applicants work for 600 soles a month, with deceitful promises leveling, improved in 90 days, blah, blah, blah … .. The need is so great that people come to accept ridiculous salaries, in order to get work. The more amenable to agreeing to work for pay less than normal, are immigrants, which are very convenient for businessmen that seek sided more with less cost. Behold the good of unemployment, favors employers, given cheap labor. They earn more pay less …. How about? If you are an entrepreneur unemployment helps him greatly, cholos have cheap and very productive.

In Europe and the United States that does not look good for immigrants, because not only take away jobs from nationals, but who prostitute the labor system, which ends up paying pittance for what the labor law says must be paid a ton more. BAD Everything has its opposite point, his opponent, says a law of dialectics and unemployment is no exception to the rule. Let's see why. The law of unity and struggle of opposites. The company is one, its components are employers and workers, fighting each other in defense of their interests.

Thus we have that unemployment is the unemployed to try all possible ways of finding work. Let's look at some strategies used in Peru to get a job. 1 .- chronically unemployed and quarrelsome, idle, you do not like walking, knocking on doors newspaper in hand, started surfing the Internet, visiting the pages of companies, specifically small and medium enterprises.

Ed So Paulo

The modern conception of budget in managemental base translates the agencies as centers of responsibilities or results where if they identify to the power to decide responsibilities of the respective governments/managers for use of the resources that are trusted to it. This transmission of responsibility becomes the manager with autonomy to decide as and where the public resources must be applied. We cannot deny that the balance of the public accounts, of prescriptions and expenditures is a positive factor in the public administration, therefore the State acts freely in the market through collections of taxes of the contributors, exactly thus, still today are generating of dficits public and has an increasing public indebtedness in all the federative spheres, of this form will be able to compromise the future generations. The LRF came to modify the concept that Brazil is an underdeveloped country and that it does not have rigorous controls in relation to the public resources, for the opposite, the LRF demands of the public administrators compliments and stated periods to deliver the renderings of accounts with definitive date. balance of the public accounts needs a planning, this is the main objective of the Law to have one better planning inside of the public entities, is necessary that the entities improve the systems of collection, collection and fiscalization and still increasing the level of economic activity of the region.

In what if they relate to the LRF, the biggest joined difficulties will be in the phase of the planning and the accompaniment of the budgetary execution. The first one that it precedes to the Plurianuais Plans, Laws of Budgetary Lines of direction and the Budgets must be supported in the information generated for the accounting. Second it consists of the control and the evaluation of some programs of work, that will be executed during the process and will need an effective control and the information supplied for the accounting. The LRF innovated, creating limits of urgent form where in the sample the moment when we have that to inform to the public entities when this next one to reach a financial risk, then the control must be fast preventive to prevent the financial disequilibrium. Ahead of that it was seen, it is necessary that the managers are conscientious of the importance of the activity whom they inside play of the public entity, verifying which its delimitations and if are acting in agreement the norms, and using the ethics as parameter for its responsible fiscal management. The LRF does not substitute nor revokes Law n.

4,230/64 that normatiza the public finances more than has 40 years in Brazil. The Law is a transparent instrument and democratic of the control of the public finances, it is a conquest of the Brazilian society and functions as half normative, the Law brought economic and social advances for Brazil. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ANGELICO, J. Public Accounting. 8. Ed Is Guide of Orientation for the City halls, to akhair @, 2009. ___. Commentaries the Law n 4.320/64. So Paulo: Atlases, 1999. GIACOMONI, J. Public Budget. 14 Ed So Paulo: Atlases, 2008. HERACLITUS, C. Law of Fiscal Responsibility: The law of fiscal responsibility in the Context of the Reformation of the State. May of 2001. IUDCIBUS, S. of. Theory of the Accounting. 5 Ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 1997. KOHAMA, H. Public Accounting: practical theory and. 9 Ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 2003. MATIAS. THE B.; CAMPELLO, C. G.B. Municipal Financial Administration. So Paulo: Atlases 2000. MEIRELLES, H.L. Direct Administrative Brazilian.