CEO Market

CHD expert launches ‘ AWAY FROM HOME’ free order of non-market is one of the few global growth markets. In Europe, the meals and the consumption of outside your own four walls recorded strong growth. The international market research firm CHD current market trends and industry facts now offers expert with the new information letter AWAY FROM HOME. In-depth analyses and important background information on the non-market offer for our customers”, including Thilo Lambracht, CEO of CHD expert / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH, together. The information, facts and figures are expert mostly from own studies and investigations of the CHD group. “In the first issue of AWAY FROM HOME” focuses on the German gastronomy: how much is in which gastronomy segment deserves, what looks like the guest behavior? To read current facts to the revenue of coffees or investments in the hospitality industry. Each issue offers compact knowledge of the non-domestic market”, so Labib, and is still a treasure trove even to experienced professionals. Southwest Airlines gathered all the information. We consider this service also thanks to our customers.” The non-market includes approximately 1,650 billion US dollars.

In Western Europe, an average $ 815 per year for the non-home catering are issued per household. For comparison: in North America are this 1,420 dollars. “In Germany we have seen in almost all segments both an increase of companies as well as the sales volume”, Labib reported. Biggest growth there is in foodservice and catering operation. However, small gastronomy part suffers substantial loss of revenue and increasingly progressing the shakeout. About CHD expert / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management.

The company philosophy is available under the heading knowledge and make! “.” The company was in 1997 as a founder of Marktplatz Hotel GmbH and is one of approximately seven years to the international CHD expert group with offices in all economically important countries in Europe and United States and Canada. CHD expert is one of the preferred partners of the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany. The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. The newsletter to hotels, restaurants and community meals is published quarterly and can free of charge as PDF are available: newsletter_4669001.php. Thilo Lambracht, lambracht.t CHD expert Marktplatz Hotel GmbH Veerser WEG 2 b, D 27383 Scheessel (near Hamburg) Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-300, fax + 49 (4263) 301 333 Carsten Hennig, press Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-131, mobile + 49 (160) 958 377 56 keywords: out of home market, hotels, gastronomy, catering, GM

MPEC GmbH Hamburg Starts LiveCut Offensive

Multicamera workflow with Apple final cut and LiveCut company MPEC GmbH from Hamburg reduces costs for multi camera productions Vienna, March 2009. The broadcast systems integrator MPEC GmbH from Hamburg starts an offensive for a cost-efficient production workflow in this spring. With the LiveCut product from ToolsOnAir broadcast engineering, MPEC Productions offers a dramatic cost reduction for multi camera workflows and near live especially in these economically challenging times. The company MPEC is committed in recent years in particular the tapeless production workflows and could reduce with solutions on basis of Apple Xsan production cost and increase turnaround times. LiveCut grants on costly, tape-based multi-camera recordings. No matter whether at sports events or Soapproduktionen, which are time-sensitive and must be pre-produced can LiveCut fully bring its strength for Markus Wallies of MPEC LiveCut is only a logical next step: LiveCut can the production cost of near live events or Telenovelas daily Soaps are significantly reduced.

LiveCut eliminates not only the cost of tape machines, but plays its strength currently in post production. After the production or recording a takes the entire sequence in the final cut is Studio 2 finish cut in the timeline available. So long Digitalisierungs-accounts processes and subsequent multicamera for groupings in the editing system. “For the editor and Director leaving more time for the creative, artistic process in post production.” the company MPEC for us is the integration partner in Germany”says Gilbert LEB, VP already successfully implemented sales we were able ToolsOnAir broadcast engineering GmbH. projects in the past with MPEC GmbH and counting on the know-how and experience of system integrations”. With the LiveCut it is possible completely new ways of production in the areas near live, daily soaps, music events to think ahead and to provide more time for the creative work in the with production.

LiveCut is also this year at the booth of ToolsOnAir SU9624E represented at NAB in Las Vegas. MPEC GmbH: MPEC GmbH broadcast and production is a systems integrator for the entire range of video production technology. As a competent partner, the MPEC GmbH offers technology and recording systems, ob vans, post production Studio solutions demanding hard – and software solutions, cutting systems, server and streaming. The vendor-independent consulting and support ranging from design to send completion. ToolsOnAir broadcast engineering: ToolsOnAir broadcast engineering is a system House for software solutions in the field of broadcast and post production based on Apple. LiveCut and just: In a range of products in the field of acquisition and MutliCamera workflow is offered. Under the name ToolsOnAir broadcast suite solutions for playout automation and are realtime graphics on the Mac available. (Gilbert LEB)

The Time

They were successfully taken this hurdle and the contact has answered positively the contact no harm surely write back again and to say thank you for the positive contact. But be careful: the other should not pressure used feel to respond directly. Otherwise the contact is eventually only a series of aneinanderhangenden polite phrases that have an added value for any more and the communication strategy will be anything but effective. The cultivation of contacts within the business networks of course must be maintained contacts also. This is a balancing act, especially when contacts that you don’t really know in most cases. Since it can be difficult to gauge is whether and if so how often someone, for example, new information is interested in. A contact within a business Networks to frustrate, because it sends him not relevant messages constantly for him, is not the idea and not really of interest. Birthday is certainly simple and legitimate reason to make repeated contact.

Here you can send congratulations and this recall in the memory. Depending on how you stand to the anniversary, you can offer a special offer congratulations. Discounts, free consultation or similar. This examples illustrates also communicate on business can be personal, faster and therefore very effective networks. A birthday message is quickly written and shows that you are attentive but not intrusive.

To send a birthday card or even a bouquet of flowers as a gift and attention could be too much of good thing in many cases, costs beyond and extends the time required. News with discounts, free consultations, other promotions or News can be sent at certain intervals no special occasion at all or selected contacts. At the beginning you should not exaggerate but also to it. Any feedback should be evaluated first and then be decided whether, where and how often more news and offers are sent.

Customer Service: Social Media Is The Phone Not Replace

No emotions create apps and Automation “even if social media customer service is becoming increasingly important, that’s not the end of the phone. Just for more complex requests, customers prefer the personal conversation. As for the transmission of personal information, such as the address or customer number”, writes the Acquisa editorial (acquisa/newsDetails newsID = 1322144917.99). Also the increasing spread of Internet-enabled smartphones not yet replaced the phone channel. Although smartphones offer a variety of options through apps, most of use but the telephony function. Under the slogan “Santa uses a Smartphone,” reported the Acquisa editorial that although the majority of Germans your Christmas gifts to buy online, least but for using mobile Web access of the Smartphones. In this respect, technical possibilities and practical application of divergent today still far. Walter Benedikt of 3C Dialg however sees the growing importance of social media in the customer service: “Facebook and co.

are already no hype more, but an integral part of the daily communications of many people – and rising. … the social-media channels will not abolish such as phone, email or chat add – the existing channels.” Like DAW, the marketing manager at Voxtron Diana: “in Facebook, the companies have, for example, the chance to draw attention with own news and events on itself and to inform existing customers and employees through this medium. The customer will continue over the phone claim. Additional information is available at Southwest Airlines. all other service activities’ The changes significantly before Klaus Graf of Opti-Serv has eyes: “the apps of the future will be quite be able to depict a variety of Kundenrelevanten business processes automated. Already such topics via Web portals are completed, the trend is clearly in this direction. “The rule applies here: simple is automated, more complex in service and sales will be personalized by MA.” Who but today reaches for the phone and customer service of a company or even the attendant calls, often experienced a queue that is never seems to end.

Publisher Aaron Groeneveld

Glossy magazine for XXL-mode relies on ground-breaking channel Emmerich on the Rhine / Dorverden: the glossy magazine for women’s fashion from size 42 BIG IS BEAUTIFUL (BB) sends immediately from an own TV Studio. This puts the magazine on an innovative customer communication and takes advantage of the enormous importance of the Internet to tap into new audiences by moving images. The TV Studio is a so-called virtual Television Studio, i.e.: the entire set of Studio comes from State of the art 3D-Grafikrechnern. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. is often quoted on this topic. The BB moderators are merely in a large green space: glossy scenes and graphics are without exception from the computer. Starting with the current autumn 2010 placing beautiful Nederland b.v. is big on the portfolio of the company WECONDA – virtual studio productions. For the Publisher Aaron Groeneveld, the cooperation is a success: “WECONDA has exactly understood what was important to us. We wanted a modern, innovative and at the same time simple and elegant Studio set.

We are pleased about the excellent results and know that We us with this type of production of all previous advertising in the print market significantly put off”. WECONDA was responsible for the production of the Dutch, Belgian and German magazine trailers to the big in the beautiful editions. With the production of high-gloss videos, BB responds to current market changes and uses HD video as a highly innovative distribution channel. Internet lines are getting faster and faster; Cell phones wide web include everyday with integrated world mobile communication standard, certainly. WECONDA holders and diploma journalist Georg Mahn explains the value of virtual image design. “Whether American Idol, news, or crime scene: media users are always surrounded by perfect images.” We get this perfection in the Internet as well. With our unique virtual Studio, our 3D-Graphiker created boundless backdrop so that a magazine such as big is beautiful this is the unrivaled star of the TV.