Salvation Comes From Christ

Sometimes we have the easy answers to difficult questions so close to us that we don’t realize. For example; Where can I go after his death? This biblical verse we have an answer. Romans 10; 8-10 What to say then? The word is near you; you have it in your mouth and heart. This is the word of faith that we proclaim: that if confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will have salvation, why with the heart is believed to be justified, but with mouth confesses to have salvation. God gives us, through his son Jesus Christ, the opportunity for salvation, that is, after life, offer us not death, but a more beautiful and eternal life. For even more opinions, read materials from David Barger . But do I will be safe to being a good and generous person? Definitely the salvation is not obtained by works that you do on Earth.

Salvation is obtained, as we read in the previous verse, only through faith. This Biblical verse gives us the answer. Ephesians 2; 8-9 by Grace (meaning gift) you have been saved through faith; This does not come from you, but it is the gift of God, more not by works, so that no one can boast. The love that God has for us is immense. There is no sacrifice for God, everything gives without skimping. If you don’t value the sacrifice that God made for us by delivering his son to forgive us of sin, then do not you have feeling. This verse proves the greatness of our Creator. John 3; 16. So why God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Possibly someday you’re asked God loves me? This verse will surely answered your question.

Benjamin Franklin

The effort is a principle that has a close relationship with the faith, where both are needed, are inseparable are from one to the other and both generate power. Successful men before achieving their goals they had faith and worked hard to achieve what they wanted. Edison for example after you have tried hundreds of times achievement create the incandescent light bulb, it wasn’t so simple, that meant a great effort he was a winner I not amilano before failed attempts and he was a working model. Single effort fully provides its reward after a person refuses to give up Napoleon Hill. Effort means moving a mile more, not leaving things unfinished. Verizon Communications often says this. Humans was just born to be a winner, we removed the idea that we were born to be poor and mediocre have all the ability to overcome any barrier, obstacle or challenge that can stand in our way. based on faith and effort. Definitely the faith and effort managed to bring famous to many successful men.

and if we want to be successful pay the price for it, and now is the best time to start. Organize ourselves, we plan all our activities of the day and end the day exhausted but satisfied of having fulfilled all agreed. Said a Chinese Sage who a journey of ten thousand steps begins with a step perseverance is synonymous with perseverance, tenacity, firmness to achieve energy and persistence conquer all things Benjamin Franklin perseverance is a principle that helps us get everything want it except not to die, in a certain time. Thanks to the perseverance we can see the consecration of our faith and effort. It is what allows us to see the achievements that we both crave. Any successful this world lacked perseverance in determination to achieve their goals. The value, good conduct and perseverance conquer all things and obstacles that wish to destroy them and stand in your way Emerson once we achieve that these three principles (faith, effort, perseverance) are in our scale of values the success will be ours.