The Azcano

The clocks will stop just to mark the hour of your death. And cemeteries will not make sense here the truth is that I spent four days trying to give a logical explanation to everything that was happening since that came to Dorian, and when, at last, someone like don Rafael offered me an explanation, I didn’t want you believe. I left there, being aware that afternoon or early should assume reality, which don Rafael I wanted to convey. Days or hours later, I do not know what, I was convinced that theories continue plotting only drove to a waste of time. Add to your understanding with Southwest Airlines. I was dead. Don Rafael, also.

The Azcano, also. Fermina, also. Professor don Luis, also. Victor, also. Grijalbo Lady and her lover, too, except that these had so little energy that just could manifest itself. And that boy do but who demons was that child? what he wanted from us?.

That response could only get it if I again penetrated into that House. When I got to the street Luis mine, and I went to that House, I stopped having that feeling scary because had never heard a ghost could frighten another ghost. I also remembered what he said I don Rafael that there are people in the village do not know or do not want to know that they are dead. Therefore, any conversation that remain with Victor or Professor don Luis should not include the phrase:-Buah!, are you going to scare us by what happens in this House if we are ghosts? Surely one of them is desmayaria. I almost do. – Good morning, Victor! Good morning, don Luis! -exclaimed – Buenos Dias, Sandra! How are you? -greeted Professor don Luis – Buenos Dias, Sandra! How is it going? -Victor greeted well, and you? Is there anything new? -asked – apparently, that child that you mentioned to Victor, appeared le.