Management Attendance

The customer already values good practical of management and the efficient leadership. He is through the people who the leader can exceed goals. For Federico Amory Aumentar the sales, to conquer new customers, to improve the yield, among others, are only tips of iceberg. They are the recognized problems easily, for the entrepreneur and the customers. what it is for backwards of this? What it needs to be carried through in an organization to conquer new customers, for example? One of the commented concepts more nowadays is the value perceived for the customer. Some organizations have invested weighed in the attendance to the customer, training employee of the front line, placing a line 0800, petty cash of suggestions, and still those musiquinhas and writings boats, that almost nobody has patience to hear until the end ' ' if it desires to speak with X marks X' '.

That is important, however it lacks something that complements and strengthens this initiative: the management of the business. All we know that the customer we are each more demanding time, for in such a way, if this not to feel confidence in the practical ones of the company, all this investment in the attendance, goes below for water. The confidence of the customer, in the exchange process, is motivated by two dimensions: managemental the politics and behavior the employees of the front line and practical adopted by the company. In markets of difficult differentiation in relation to the competition she is necessary of a complete organizacional reorganization, enclosing all the areas, processes, routines, people, leadership, systems of information and control; where the employees have all the support and the motivation to make optimum for the customer. In other words, if you to invest to motivate the salesmen, to train the staff who takes care of the customer or to place a SAC sector (service of attendance to the customer); believing that only this goes to decide its problem, you it is exceeded.