Education Level

Their places will probably have taken (and they by some estimates nearly a quarter of all graduates). Outside of university classrooms were those in terms of their Knowledge was to take place there In this regard, it begs the question. Why in the Soviet times, our youth is one of the three most educated in the world? (Even 15 years ago, international organizations recognize that the level of Education in Russia than in most developed countries of the world. Today, these organizations show that we are lagging behind the average level in Europe), Is not this a consequence of thoughtless reform? Already in full force works the law on so-called two-tier, or "Bolognese", the system is lost when the concept of "specialist" is a preparation of bachelors and masters. Specialist training are guaranteed a high level of training. Now most students are bachelors, but it is much more short-term learning-4 years.

And much more lean program, more like a simple coaching specialty. In this situation we have, for example, engineers and technicians. The main training focus in the magistracy. Budget financing of graduate maintained only in federal universities and national universities. At the same time only 30% of baccalaureate graduates remain low places. In the remaining schools magistracy becomes fully paid. This raises another question. Why did the Soviet Union free learning 100% in German study of more than 90%, in France more than 80% and in Russia – only a third? Why is the estimated grant with respect to the subsistence level is lower now in high schools in 4 times? etc.

Is not it a consequence of the "residual" approach to education. In this case, say today that we should respond to requests for time, labor market demands, but why in this case should follow Western standards Our system in the past, just focused on the decision not only regular, but long-term objectives. In this regard, in our opinion, we should discuss in our society, innovations associated with ct (today, according to sociological research, almost half the population opposes the CSE). Create All-Russian Public Commission, independent of the Ministry of Education, including in its membership representatives of universities, specialized secondary schools, principals, parents' associations. At the time of Commission to suspend the law on compulsory use to allow leading universities to conduct the selection of applicants who passed the cse in order to minimize its negative effects in connection with the introduction of the "Bologna system" necessary to stop large-scale reduction of Universities (150-200). Many schools were in Czarist Russia, but today HH1 century! Bring order to the financing of universities, it is so one of the lowest in the world. We have already retreated, in the opinion of the fair Russian President Medvedev, to forward positions. None of the transformation does not lead to the desired result with mechanical follow different experience. It would be advisable to increase scholarships successful students to the level of real subsistence level, increase the average scholarship to graduate students and doctoral candidates, at least up to 10 thousand rubles necessary to make education not only quality but also the priority and available, return the material and spiritual strength. Keeping in mind that the priority of education is not a consequence of welfare state, and its underlying cause. Prudnikov, MN

Teaching French

At present, the largest educational network system, whose profile is – teaching French as a foreign language is considered to be the union of Alliance francaise. Branches of the organization are known and operate around the world. So to learn the language, it is not necessary to go to France. With that, often branches of Alliance francaise institutions are the departments of foreign languages. So to find the branch will not be difficult. Software techniques offered by this union Alliance francaise, differ in terms of learning and teaching methods, including which distinguishes between courses aimed both at beginners and for advanced level classes in the intensive option, and "sparing" regime, the general and business language.

You still have flaws, and the entire width of the approach and abundance of various teaching methods at various levels, rely on individual learning and individual attention a student is not necessary. But do not be upset. France is still a great many schools that you help in mastering this beautiful language. So let's start with an overview of Paris. Where you can opt for language learning? Deservedly popular and in demand among school students of all ages PERL, so called "adult" language branch of the famous boarding school Ecole des Roches. Distinguishes this school wide variety of various disciplines taught in school, such as "Creative French", or "Artistry of speech. " For those students who, although easy to learn grammar, still remain difficulties in pronunciation and conversation practice, there is a special course, which is called "Communication".

Student Loans Versus Grants

Loans and college scholarships for students are of two types of financial assistance to help people obtain college education. On the other hand, the means of aid to finance works with the same purpose and obligations undertaken by the beneficiary are different. College Scholarships, good academic qualifications of the beneficiary are needed to continue receiving support for the duration of the University career. One of the most obvious differences between loans and scholarships for students is that the first must be repaid, while the latter does not have to be reimbursed. Usually, the payment terms associated with the College loans permit program payments from some time after obtaining the degree. Many loan programs have provisions for the repayment of funds received through a plan if the student does not complete their studies.

Depending on the provisions relating to the student loan, the repayment period can be flexible. With scholarships University for students, there is no obligation to return any funds obtained in the search of a college education, as long as the student is enrolled and active throughout the period covered by the grant. For example, if a student obtains a college scholarship for a quarter of study at a particular University and decides to leave before the end of the quarter, you need to maybe pay the amount of the grant for that quarter. In general, the payment must be received before a student is eligible for additional scholarship assistance over the coming quarters. Student loans and scholarships College sometimes differ in the basic criteria necessary to receive the aid. Loans can or does not require a minimum grade point average of qualifications in order to qualify for assistance. In contrast, college scholarships usually require a minimum grade point average last year to apply for aid, and maintain true average for each quarter, semester, or a block of the University in which the student seeks financing. Failure to maintain the minimum average it is likely that the student is expelled of the universtarias scholarship program.

Another difference between loans and scholarships for students has to do with the State of the University of the student. There are loan programs that offer financial aid for students in part-time. Univeritarias scholarships are less likely to offer support to students who do not play as full-time students. Although there are exceptions, official college scholarships for education in many countries are specifically to help people who want to pursue a full-time education, but do not have the financial resources available. There are also scholarships for teachers and in the same way, loans; teachers can access college scholarships through the presentation of projects applicable to student communities; the loans do not require teachers to present educational programs, simply if it complies with financial conditions can access it. Applicants must have in mind that college scholarships and student loans come in many forms. Some will be sufficient to cover the basic college costs, while other programs cover only a part.

National Curricular Lines

63). PRACTICAL OF CURRICULAR FORMATION AS COMPONENT the National Curricular Lines of direction of the Teaching Formation it establishes 800 hours of lessons of Practical of Formation, as component curricular, in this context, the IEPPEP, defends that the lessons must consist at the moment for which if searchs to make something, to produce some thing where the theory looks for to search concepts, meanings and, with this, to manage the field and the direction of the performance. Such element, in the Course of Formation, has the intention to collaborate for the formation of the identity of the searching, reflective and operating professor in the society. Having the practical one of formation to be understood as space that oportunize the efetivao of the knowledge and knowing necessary the professor to problematizar pedagogical practical its, a place of knowledge production, in such a way cannot occur in way any they need to be supervised and based, thus it will only be possible to carry through the joint between practical theory and. (…) the practical one was being each time more, theoretician, that is, distanciada of the reality. Nor if could here more speech in practical as experience, as reproduction of models – that models? Where they were practical the successful ones? What it meant a professor successful? What one expected as purpose of primary education? of Normal education? Which professor was necessary? (PEPPER, 2006, p.44) the Supervised Period of training, therefore, consists in a chance it pupil to exercise the reflection, to relate curricular components and practical and of this to surpass the dichotomy between practical theory and, making possible a notion to it of the future profession. According to Freire (1996, p.24), ‘ ‘ the critical reflection on the practical one if becomes a requirement of the relation practical theory/without which the theory can go turning blblbl and the practical one, ativismo’ ‘.

Studying Foreign Languages

Our present paper is devoted to foreign language learning system, Barry Farber. Barry Farber himself often stresses the fact that he did not do it right for a successful foreign language learning. So today detail, we consider the points that Barry considers errors in their practice. So, what does not advise doing Farber. 1. Believe that foreign language can be studied in the background If you turn and drive Audiocourses go make dinner and also wholeheartedly believe that to effectively use your time, "killing two birds at once," then you are mistaken.

Foreign language can not be taught in between times. It would be like to hang out in the kitchen pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger and wait for growth in muscle mass. Foreign language requires concentration, individual attention and action. Listening audiokurs should literally feel like your tongue turns after speaker. Must pass through itself every word, every sound and every intonation. Make time for such an intense audio-training.

2. Excuses or reasons for being absent. You can For example, say: "I started vacation. And from a foreign language too. Here is rest, and then again for school. " This is fundamentally wrong attitude. Learnt information in your head is never in the form in which you place it laid. She constantly rebunched, reclassified, etc., it is easy to leave our minds. Therefore, to teach and practice a foreign language need to be constantly. 3. Assume any lesson unimportant. In I mean, if you suddenly illuminate the simple but radical thought: "Do not send me these articles go to hell?" – then you should know – your wish is absolutely wrong. Even if your closest friend, who lives in Germany, says that in everyday life perfectly and without cost, and knowledge articles are not necessarily. Perhaps, in the case of the article is true, but a good speech, ownership should not miss anything. Each hard to understand the topic should be studied! 4. Ignore pronunciation. Even among professionals-teachers (or linguists) are very often those who think the pronunciation is not particularly important, and the council better learn more words – type, then Foreigners still you will understand. But in fact, important, and more. In this case, the pronunciation – your business card. Listening to bad pronunciation, it is unlikely someone from foreigners say about you that you know their language. 5. Assume that there will be sometime when you say: "I know a foreign language." Very big mistake: you can not learn the language. You can learn one or another level of grammar, memorize a couple of tens of thousands of words, etc., but not master the language until the end. Foreign Language has no beginning and no end. In fiction book ever even superprofessional find an unfamiliar word on almost every page, and in fluent speech, the real something so escape ears. Moment of 'absolute have learned' language will not ever come, so take it easy, relax and enjoy the process.

Two Languages

In today's article we will talk about the phenomenon of bilingual, often encountered in multi-ethnic families, namely, a few myths about the language development of bilingual children. Children of multinational families naturally differ from those of children growing up in the standard linguistic environment. Yes, and it does not differ if the pope, for example, a Frenchman and his mother – a Russian, and speak with both of them have? The child adapts to the situation in this or certain extent mastering two languages at once, while his peers – only one. This imposes prints on child development, as a rule, positively impacting on it, although it is not always understand their parents. In many bilingual families, parents prefer that the child has mastered only one language (usually an official language of the country where the family lives).

Second language at the same time or do not develop at all, or remain in a passive reserve, at the level of understanding. These parents fear that a child can get lost in the language, if it is to study them simultaneously in a very early age, and it will negatively affect its development. However, the practical experience of many families that encourage a child's use of both languages, shows that a critical mixing languages is not happening. Of course, sometimes the child borrows the words from one language while speaking to one another. However, it goes on reaching of a certain age – 5 – 6 years, when the entire grammar of both languages can be expanded in the brain of the child "on the shelves." Research also shows that children who "had to" learn to speak two languages, are much more developed cognitive abilities, responsible for the perception of new information, its reproduction and memory. The opposite myth of parents is that you can absolutely not be encouraged and not develop a child's second language, being satisfied by only one, as a second language "learn" by himself.

In fact, the child is interested in the language exactly as large as the language needed to communicate with important people to him. If the father- Frenchman would speak with the child in Russian, French, lost all importance and at best will take a passive ownership, and at worst a child just forget the language. Thus, if the family wants to keep the child active command of two languages, you must continuously maintain the importance of both languages. This will give your child is not only a big advantage in the future before it 'monolingual' peers (in their studies and future career), but develop intellectual abilities, memory, sociability and interest in other cultures. If your child was born in a monolingual family, and you want the school he had already spoken in two languages, develop interest in it yourself! Cartoons and computer games in a foreign language can be a great start, but a joint study of the language to bring you and your child to use in addition to another and the joy of communicating with each other. And now – interesting resource regarding the development of foreign languages: – You want to ever ride in a time machine? Did you know that she had invented (although still in a virtual form)? Come here – look at the history ozhivshuyu U.S. from 1860 to the Present! Language resource and videos – English. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language itself and effectively

Evening Secretary

Showroom Manager (proudly sounds!), waiter, operator in a call-center Flexible schedule may not straining to combine with their studies, but uninteresting and completely useless for the brain and future career. Even you do not learn to cook, being a waiter, only to pull a lot of plates in one hand: (4. guard, valet ;)))), courier, promoter, raskleyschik Intelligence ads of these studies, even as some do not want to discuss … well only if it is not the position of superintendent of the museum))) 5. babysitter (do you like children?) Children.

Noisy, quiet, demure and restless – different. But there need advice, few people still entrust their child to man in the street … And are preferred, rather, students, pedagogical institutes. 6. Evening Secretary, Typewriting little more intellectually, but totally uninteresting. But the printing speed is increased significantly.

7. massovik-joker work, tied to specific dates, of course, acting talents are welcome. But the holidays do not work in every like! List could continue, but the trend is so clear. In general, these options do not require special work head, but takes a long time .. Just what we needed to be thought of helping students or schools applicants, students, undergraduate students and even adults (eg, to learn foreign languages) – tutoring. I do not want to say that this is work for everyone. Think about whether each student has sufficient information to be able to systematize it, and wisely to convey to the student? It is the job for those who know the subject, who knows how to patiently explain the same thing several times. But at the same time, it’s nice when after labor should progress student! Someone want to check homework, someone needs to help understand the subject, to explain the difficult moments, as is often the cause of school failure lies in the very lack of understanding. As for abitury, then it is no secret that almost always necessary, if not learning, then at least the systematization of school knowledge in preparation for entrance exams. Cope with this quite a student of the university, which intends to enter a student. But even if you do not confident in their abilities, you will still be able to help the student middle school or junior in mathematics, physics, or Russian. The arithmetic is simple: the algebra 7th grade, 400-hour 500r, for engaging in a half hour 600-700r, 2 classes per week, ie three hours at a convenient time for you – 1200-1400 per week, 4 weeks per month 5-6 tr 12 hours per month. And the complexity of the work in this case – is to check homework assignments and analysis of simple problems and paragraphs from a textbook! Often tutors are looking for people who need knowledge of foreign languages, such as business negotiations. Here you may find that need to be taught “from scratch”, including grammar, and someone just to help remember the language. All, again, depends on your abilities. In this case, your earnings will be higher, and the tangible benefits – the languages themselves think;) In summary, I note that the work of a coach is probably the only opportunity to choose the time and number of work in exchange for money.