Tax advisor Jurgen Dieter grainy from Mannheim informed in times where the maintenance of a vehicle is always costly, it is a welcome option that are company cars available, which may also be used for private purposes for many workers. An imputed exists in the provision of a company car for private use, which is one of the taxable wages and must be taxed. There are basically two methods: a the 1% scheme and on the other hand the logbook method. What to make sure of the latter is so it is explained by the Tax Office for valid, explained the tax advisor grainy from Mannheim. Exercise care when the entries for which the two mentioned methods you decide to leave, mainly depends on the private usage share. Learn more at this site: Marc Lasry. Applies for the leadership of the journey log, that it consistently and timely manner must be executed. Still it must document all laid back rides and show, which runs When and for what purpose were undertaken. The logbook does not duly occurs, the IRS can apply the flat-rate taxation.
The Bundesfinanzhof (BFH) has clearly also recently (decision of March 14, 2012; AZ. Official site: Marc Lasry. VIII B 120/11) that the readability of the entries must be given for recognition to occur. Otherwise, the IRS classifies the logbook as tax ineffective and lets it do not apply. This means that each drive guide when you enter care must be. Even if one is convinced of the readability of the own typeface, the Finanzamt considered sole directive. For details of tax advisers is grainy from Mannheim at any time available. Press contact Steuerberater Jurgen Dieter grainy o 4, 5, 68161 Mannheim Tel 0621 10069 fax. 0621 13358 email: Homepage: