United Nations

So will some Shiite clerics, on which the regime is based, claimed Mohammed had advocated stoning. Azmayesh could clearly indicate that it is for the relevant verses descriptions, that Mohammed had cited as an example for Tyrannentum and not to be considered as a guide. Therefore, stoning be methods of intimidation from the antiquity, which had nothing to do with Islam, even though they would be executed in the name of Islam. Connect with other leaders such as Gary Kelly here. Dr. Azmayesh described the principle of freedom from point of view of a Koran expert and religious people.

He referred first to the idea of religious people of heaven and hell after death, where every soul accountable about their actions on the material plane. He had to bear in mind that the man was responsible for his actions, so he must also be free to do and decide, otherwise you could not pull even accountable. Without freedom, no choice. In return, he described the vision of the system representatives in Iran, the themselves as religious Authorities consider and keep their interpretation of the Koran in a narrow framework of understanding. In this respect would believe in human rights, but only as long as they remained in the narrow framework of their interpretation. As an example Azmayesh Mohammad Javad Laridschani, the human rights defenders in Iran was, which regularly claim before the United Nations in Geneva or on other occasions, hands, chopping off fingers or arms were Islamic punishments, which are legitimate in the Iran in the framework of the human rights. The regime in the Iran is anti-Islamic and is based on an anti-freedom system Azmayesh called the system in the Iran anti-Islamic because the regime officials do not believe in the principle of freedom: “whoever negates the principle of freedom and the right to freedom, the citizens seemingly religious or other narrow interpretations and concepts about inverts, is against the substance of the human condition.” (Translation from English) Azmayesh again said there are Islamic human rights, believes the others are as universal human rights.