During the past Bridge of the Constitution, the air controllers their jobs were agreed to need massively, like rejection to the new decree of the Government in relation to their agreement, causing parn total of all aerial activity in Spain, with the consequent chaos that it generated. More than half million passengers they were catched in the Spanish airports, without being able to fly and to enjoy the vacations that they had glided. Some, fastest, could take control of a rent vehicle to realise their passage. And it is that, during the weekend it turned out complicated to find a car of rent by the high demand. Saturday in the evening, few agencies of car rental in the capital still counted on vehicles to satisfy the demand. Something that also happened in the islands, where the rent Majorca cars, for example, in the Balearics or Ibiza cleared the collapse at some moments, due to the high demand of vehicles. The scene was practically repeated by all the geography Spanish, being complicated to rent any vehicle. The high demand of other means of transport like the trains and buses, that were colapsados by the discharge and sudden demand of places, caused that the travellers praised themselves/poured off to take advantage of the supplies rent to car to take advantage of their days of vacations. In this sense, also the rent companies Canary cars noticed how during the days of the Bridge of December the demand of its services went off.