IchBinNeu.de Or Presented In 90 Days

Only buy makes the product experience intense just buy the product experience is how intense no other medium is IchBinNeu.de that in the future more comprehensive, faster, direct and interactive lead consumers to new products, brands and services. On the Internet portal IchBinNeu.de are as of July 1st, 2009 just news for 90 days each present itself. It is the means of communication for large well-known companies / brands, but also for small / medium-sized companies that are not in the focus of daily advertising campaigns. But IchBinNeu.de offers much more. Info-Scout’s inform consumers via E-mail about new products in your favorite category faster companies reach any audience! Source information inform the consumer about the sale places and provide additional zoom sell the company. Product sample orders of consumers the company offer sampling contacts without wastage. Product sites, info-hotlines lead consumers without long surfing”on a direct route to the company.

Current product information is provided by the company to download available consumers. The contact between consumer – company in a closed account, is the chance for a new, bold form of dialogue. About viral mouth-to-mouth propaganda are the consumers that sprinkle discovery of corporate innovations in a wide environment. Saved new products can even after months of consumers again are called, remain the company in the relevant set. IchBinNeu.de is a consumer-oriented information platform. After only four clicks, consumers will find exactly the product novelty, they are looking for. A clearly structured page layout and the clear division of the respective product categories over three levels and simple menu navigation with its innovative features that let consumers experience a new form of interactive online showcase tour. The portal is free of any advertising, no banners, no PopUp window interfere or draw consumers in discovering his new products AB.

With these basic requirements IchBinNeu.de corresponds to the wishes of 82% of all respondents one, in February 2009 survey. The innovative features IchBinNeu.de offers a much wider range of interaction with new products consumers, as this is the case on most product home pages,”Frank Rohrl (43), managing partner of F & R GmbH in Essen, the IchBinNeu.de developed and protected as a trade mark. Innovative companies now have the possibility of your new products, relaunch, Revivales, to set design and packaging changes, as well as binding news in over 1,200 specialty categories on the portal. See: there find decision makers including a detailed online presentation, market research results, planned communication measures and many other interesting information. That’s why IchBinNeu.de who guides in Germany is on average 100-150 thousand of product and brand new annually about 70% flop rate. There are many reasons! To communicate advertising messages, targeted to the consumer is increasingly difficult given progressive fragmentation of the media and the target groups. Also a strong advertising fatigue is registered with the consumer, so that barely held a targeted penetration to them.”Rohrl offers IchBinNeu.de therefore just innovative companies, the chance, their new products exclusive to market a medium, that soon is perceived by the general public as the new product portal. With its interactive online window-shopping consumers really find everything from the latest drill, the salami, socks or the latest products for their hobbies. The platform for every occasion and for everyone who wants to learn absolutely undisturbed on the Internet.