TV Sony KV Control

This question arises quite often, at least half want to buy a new console for its equipment. It is widely believed that all panels are identical and have many causes genuine surprise that, practically, for each model TV or DVD created by the manufacturer your remote. Of course, many boards within the firm are used interchangeably, but the opportunity to fully replace other remote control can be determined only experienced specialist. For it may happen that almost all features are present, and one or two are usually the most popular on the replacement panel is not provided. So, you have a device without a remote control, For example, television TV, video player or VCP, VCR or VCR, DVD, video, TV, videotroyka, duo, etc. And before you pick up the task of remote control: – Do you have a console that does not work. Look at the board, almost all of them have markings on the body, ie model name of the remote control.

By the way, the model of the console and TV model, which was delivered this board have different markings. In other words, the TV Sony KV-M2540K panel labeled RM-833. Basically markings on the remote is on its front side, at least under the hood compartment batareechnogo as some remotes by Philips, and even more rarely on the back cover. However, the markings on the remote control may not be. In this case, you need to build on model, for example, TV or DVD player. In any case, when you are ready to buy a new console, be sure to take along old. It will save you time and possibly finance. In some cases the broken panel may be restored and may even work for a long time after that, but not all the "masters" in good faith and do repairs, usually at a "repair" is enough for a few weeks or months.

– You have no control. In this If the best solution would be – to find the instruction manual of the device (TV, VCR, DVD, etc.) As a rule, in the manual is comprehensive information on the console, including its image. If you do not could not find instructions, then, as in the first case, you will need to write down the model of your TV or video. – You do not have the remote, no instructions, and you do not know the name of the TV (VCR, DVD, receiver, etc.) That is, for example, the TV is not the name of his company was issued and there is no model markings. It happens. If you have a sympathetic neighbors, try to ask them, for example, television remote controls, to test them on your phone. Some panels from different manufacturers are based on the same chip and system commands and, therefore, interchangeable. If this does not help, we can recommend universal Remote Polish production Mak Maxim. The advantages of this console are the high quality of manufacture, is currently the most complete list of replacement equipment, a detailed description in Russian.